Vol. 21 No. 35 | September 2, 2019
In a letter
Paul wrote to Christ’s followers, he reminded them that living as a Christian comes
with the opportunity and responsibility to make a positive impact on the people
and world around them.
“Be wise in the way you act toward
outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation
be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how
to answer everyone.” (Colossians 4:5-6, NIV)
“Use your heads as you live and work
among outsiders. Don’t miss a trick.
Make the most
of every opportunity. Be gracious in your speech. The goal is to bring out the
best in others in a conversation, not put them down, not cut them out.” (Colossians
4:5-6, The Message)
Make the most
of every opportunity…
Although I’ve
probably read and shared these words a hundred times, this time, more than ever
before, I felt like Paul was talking to me. I’m a follower of Jesus, which
means I have the opportunity and responsibility to make a positive contribution
to the people and world around me.
As I reflect on
the past week, I realize I had countless opportunities to positively impact the
world around me. There was the conversation I had with the customer service
representative, who was clearly misinformed and mistaken…I’m not sure I made
her world any better that day.
There were other
conversations- with insurance agents, baristas, social media connections, family,
friends, and co-workers. I wonder, did I help make their day or world any
better? Did my words, attitude, and demeanor bring out the best in them?
reflection reminds me of the countless opportunities and tremendous
responsibility we have to improve the world around us, even if it’s in the
smallest way.
We are
surrounded by people who are afraid, discouraged, and hopeless. Are we doing
anything to relieve their fears, lift their spirits, and give them hope? Or are
we letting our own fears and hopelessness consume and paralyze us.
In the same
letter referenced above, Paul also wrote, “Christ in you, the hope of glory.”
The society we
live in seems to exalt arrogance and pride. But are these qualities we would
use to describe Jesus? If Jesus resides within us, should these be qualities we
exalt and praise? I don’t think so. So instead, we have to seize the
opportunity to demonstrate humility and grace.
We can remain
silent or complain about the hatred, discrimination, and violence we see around
us. Or, we can invite the Spirit of God to work in and through us and act with
peace, love, and tolerance.
On any given
day, we will have dozens of opportunities to say something encouraging, lend a
helping hand, share something inspirational, or just be kind and gracious. These
opportunities are gifts, both to have and to share.
Friends, we can
no longer afford to be complacent. We can no longer be so consumed with our own
needs and agendas that we pass up opportunities to make the world a better
We can do
better. We must do better…the world
needs us.
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