It Is Time!

Vol. 16 No. 01 | January 7, 2013

6473It is time to stop playing games with the greatest story ever told. Jesus Christ is the Son of God. He came. He lived. He died. He was buried. He rose again. He forgives us of all our sins. He invites us to live abundantly knowing that we are saved by His grace through our faith in the risen Lord. He will come again and we will be with Him forever.

It is time we start living like we have been saved by grace.

It is time we act like we believe that He is the risen Lord.

It is time we live like we know that we are saved.

It is time we love people like God loves us because He loved us first.

It is time we start sharing the story of God’s love, mercy and grace with as many people as we possibly can.

It is time we stop listening to and putting more trust in the news media, the stock market and prophets of legalism, and start hearing the Lord when He says, “If I am for you who can be against you?”

It is time we stop believing that people of faith have no voice, have no influence, and that we cannot live holy lives that make a difference.

It is time we allow the words we speak, read, and sing turn into actions of courage and faith.

It is time we stop listening more to those who are wise in the ways of the world and start listening to those who are wise in the ways of God.

It is time we stop accepting violence.

It is time we get serious about being peacemakers, not just peace lovers.

It is time we admit that we really are helpless without God and stop pretending otherwise.

It is time for us to honor those who truly deserve being honored and stop glorifying those who win medals that will not last.

It is time to speak up when we should speak up and be silent when we need to be silent.

It is time for us to focus on the things that really matter and stop spending our time and our money and energy on things that do not.

It is time we stop shirking our responsibility to be the voice of reason in a world that is being guided by those who can speak the loudest.

It is time to be people who love like Jesus, talk like Jesus, listen like Jesus, confront like Jesus, show compassion like Jesus, speak with confidence and authority like Jesus, respond to needs like Jesus, offer hope like Jesus, demonstrate peace like Jesus, and sacrifice like Jesus.

It is time we stop complaining about what others are doing or are not doing and start doing what God has called us to do and to be.

It is time! Let this be the year that we step out in faith with confidence and courage and make a difference for God.


© Copyright 2013 Tom Norvell. All rights reserved.


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