Let’s Just Be the Church

Vol. 17 No. 30 | July 28, 2014

This is my plea: Let’s just be the church.

You may begin reading and think, “Man, this guy is angry!” I am not (and if you say that again I may unfriend you on Facebook). That was a joke. I am not angry. I am not bitter. I am not one of those “against everything” people. The goal of my preaching, teaching, writing and counseling is to help people know Jesus and follow His teachings. If you do not believe that look at my Twitter profile (@TomNorvell). That means it has to be true, right? I am for doing everything within our power and using everything available to us to help people know Jesus and follow his teaching.

I am not angry, but I am tired. I am tired of us pretending to be the church but not living like we are the church. I am tired of us playing silly and ridiculous games that make people think we are the church but failing to follow through with the loving message of God.

At times it appears that we are more committed to trying what is trending to get people into our buildings than we are to being what we need to be when we interact with people. We sometimes seem more concerned about convincing people that we are right, they are wrong and that they better join our team than we are of loving them like they are and where they are. Sometimes it appears that we have forgotten who we are.

We are not…

A civic club.
A social club.
A country club.
A coffee shop.
A fast food restaurant.
A resort.
A discount department store.
An entertainment center.
A complaint department.
A recreational facility.
A political party.
A judicial system.

There is nothing wrong with any of those businesses and organizations. They all serve a good purpose in our communities. I am not against any of them. I am not suggesting that we are better than any of those businesses or organizations, nor am I ignoring the fact that we can learn much about connecting with people from these businesses and organizations. But, they are not the church. We are. We should not expect them to be what God has called us to be.

Let’s just be the church!

Let’s just be what Jesus told us we are.

Jesus said, “You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot.“You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” (Matthew 5:13-16, NIV)

Living as light and salt is different.

Living as light and salt is bringing good things to people. The good news. Good attitudes. We are good neighbors. We are good hosts and hostesses. We are good people. We make life better for people around us.

Living as light and salt is surprising people by loving them, being patient with them, and going the second and third mile with them.

Living as light and salt is not giving up on people even when they fail again and again and again.

Living as light and salt is forgiving them even when they don’t ask for it or deserve it.

Living as light and salt is using language that encourages, lifts up, and refreshes people around you.

Living as light and salt is being generous with people who do not expect you to be generous with them, and more generous than you are normally.

Living as light and salt is listening when you prefer to talk, and sometimes talking when you would prefer to remain silent.

Living as light and salt is protecting the weak, helping those who are helpless, and defending the defenseless.

Living as light and salt is walking with and in the Spirit and dumping the garbage in our lives and leaving it behind.

Living as light and salt is refusing to play foolish and stupid religious games and getting serious about imitating God.

Living as light and salt is loving God and His people.

This is my plea: Let’s just be the church.


© Copyright 2014 Tom Norvell. All rights reserved.

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