Known By Our Love

Vol. 18 No. 17 | April 25, 2016 

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“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” (John 13:34,35, NIV

“Love one another.” Sounds easy enough. Just love each other. That is how people will know that we are Jesus’ disciples. Just love each other. 

You do not need any title. You do not need to pay a membership fee. There are no hoops to jump through. You do not need any special marking or identification badge. You do not need to make a loud public announcement about being a follower of Jesus. Just love one another. 

Churches who bear the name of Jesus Christ: Love one another. Churches who disagree on some doctrinal beliefs: Love one another. Churches who almost nothing in common except your love for Jesus: Love one another. Churches that disagree on the specifics what should be preached from your pulpits, the specifics of how you should worship, but agree on who you worship: Love one another. 

As you live within your churches you really need to love one another. Your roles are different so love one another. Your gifts are different so love one another. You may differ on the exact way ministry should be carried out  so, love one another. There are going to be times some people really get on your nerves so, love one another.  

Love one another. That is how everyone will know that you are my disciples. Sounds easy. It easy as long as everyone stays in their designated places doing what they are supposed to do. It is easy as long as no body tries to do anything that goes against what I am comfortable with. It is easy until I am not getting my way, or it appears that I am not getting my way. It is easy one another as long as we think alike, dress alike, and talk alike.

Those times when life gets stressful are the times Jesus probably had in mind when He said, “Love one another.” He knew His disciples were about to experience stress, distress, danger, and confusion unlike anything they had ever known. He knew they were going to tested in their faith and devotion and would be tempted to turn against and away from each other. He knew that the world would be watching them as they endured the images fo Jesus on the cross and in the tomb. He knew they would need one another more in the future than they had in the previous three years. So, He tells them, “Love one another.” 

Jesus knew the challenges disciples of His day would be facing as the cross loomed closer. He also knows the challenges disciples in our day are facing as we attempt to live faithfully in our times of stress, distress, danger, and confusion. He knew our faith would be tested and that we will be tempted to turn against and away from each other. He knew that our world would be watching us as we endure difficult times. He knew we would need one another more and more as we wait for the Lord’s return. He knew so He still tells us, “Love one another.” 

Sound like it should be easy. Whether it is easy or not, He wants us to love one another so that everyone will know we are His disciples because of the love we have for one another. He still wants us to be known by our love.  


A Norvell Note © Copyright 2016. Tom Norvell All Rights Reserved.

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