Vol. 18 No. 19 | May 16, 2016
“You Aways Resist the Holy Spirit!” Those were the stinging words of a man named Stephen spoken to the members of the Sanhedrin (the supreme council of the Jewish people in the time of Christ and earlier) who had ordered him to stand before them in response to his teaching “words of blasphemy against Moses and against God.” (Acts 6:11) He was teaching the gospel of Jesus Christ as “a man full of Grace and power.” (Acts 6:8)
After being questioned Stephen delivered a power message telling the whole story of God with conviction and courage. Near the end of his speech, and his life, he said to them: “You Aways Resist the Holy Spirit!” That did it. They took him out and stoned him to death.
What Stephen said about the members of the Sanhedrin was true. They refused to accept the full story that Stephen was sharing. They listened, but when it came time for them to hear the Holy Spirit speak truth to them about Jesus. They obviously would not, or could not, accept that the Spirit of God was speaking to them through Stephen. They silenced him.
As we read the story we might think how could they miss it? How could they not believe all the messengers that had been sent through the ages? How could they be so blind?
Before we go too far with our criticism, maybe we should consider whether Stephen’s indictment could be waged at us. How many times have we resisted the Holy Spirit?
You know your co-worker is having a difficult time. She comes in every day tired, sad and by her own admission struggling to keep going. You sense the Holy Spirit nudging you to speak to you her about their and offer to help, but you resist the nudge.
You listen to the preacher as he seems to be speaking directly into your world, your circumstances. You are convinced he has been peaking through your window at home. You know God is leading you into a new direction for your life, but you resist Him. You ignore what you hear.
You know that God is prompting you to stop an unhealthy habit. You have no doubt that the prompting is the right thing to do. You resist the prompting. You ignore the prompting. You continue the unhealthy habit.
You hear the Lord calling you to step out in faith and follow Him on a new and exciting adventure. Your heart races when you consider the possibilities and the opportunities. You have trouble sleeping because you sense you are on the verge of finally fulfilling your purpose. Even with all that you resist the Holy Spirit. You decide to stay put.
You know from your study that forgiveness is best route. You know from spending time with Jesus that you cannot continue to hold on to the grudge. You know you should, but you can’t. You know it is the best thing, but won’t. You resist the Holy Spirit.
I am not worried that you will stone me for suggesting that you may be resisting the Holy Spirit, because I assume you understand that I am no more critical of you than I am myself. I cannot count the number of times I sensed the prompting of the Spirit and failed to respond. I saw something that did not seem right, but resisted the Holy Spirit’s prompting to say something. I knew the Lord was empowering me to do something for Him, but I ignored His prompting.
The alternative is to listen to Holy Spirit and when we hear the Word speak to us do not resist. Follow His lead. Do what He prompts you to do. Then, be amazed with the results.
A Norvell Note © Copyright 2016. Tom Norvell All Rights Reserved.