Vol. 18 No. 28 | July 18, 2016
Life would be so much easier for me, if everyone were like me.
If everyone were like me when I tell people I get up early and stay up late to watch the British Open no one would consider me strange.
If everyone were like me when I tell people I do not like raw tomatoes, no matter how fresh, no one would say, “And you’re from the South!”
If everyone were like me we would all cheer for the Yankees, the Celtics and the Cowboys.
If everyone were like me we would never have another heated discussion on politics.
If everyone were like me wearing jeans, untucked shirts, loafers, and no socks would be the preferred attire for all occasions.
If everyone were like me mornings would begin slow, easy, quietly and with a really good cup of coffee…just black.
If everyone were like me Italian food would be on the menu at least once every week…maybe twice.
If everyone were like me all tables that seat more than two people would be round.
If everyone were like me it would take about 10 seconds for all of us to be bored out of our brains.
Fortunately not everyone is like me.
In 1 Corinthians 8 gives a very clear illustration that not everyone is like me. He is talking to a group of people who had issues over eating certain kinds of food that emerged from their spiritual heritage. Paul’s message here is simple: if I can do or not do something that will enhance your walk with the Lord, I will do it.
In 1 Corinthians 12 Paul describes the Body of Christ like this, “But in fact God has placed the parts in the body, every one of them, just as he wanted them to be. If they were all one part, where would the body be? As it is, there are many parts, but one body.” His message is simple here is equally simple: We are all different and God made us all just the way He wants us.
When I combine the two messages I get this: When I am who God created me to be and your are who you created then, we build each other up, encourage each other to be who we are created to be we will be our relationships with the Lord will be enhanced and the Body will be strengthened.
We are all different. God made us different for a reason. He created me to be me and He created you to be you. I cannot be you and you cannot be me. I am glad God created us all like we are. I am glad not everyone is like me.
A Norvell Note © Copyright 2016. Tom Norvell All Rights Reserved.