Amen. Come, Lord Jesus

Vol. 18 No. 51 | December 26, 2016

John has shared the final episode of the life of Jesus and what is about to come in a very creative, but somewhat confusing, way. These were his final words:

He who testifies to these things says, yes, I am coming soon. Amen. Come, Lord Jesus. The grace of the Lord Jesus be with God’s people. Amen. (Revelation 22:20-21, NIV)

Like many people, the Christmas season and the beginning of a new year are times that we look forward to all year long. When we talk about it, we tell stories of Christmas past, the events of the year that is about to close, and the longing for what we hope will come in the New Year.

We may say it differently, but the desire is the same. “Hurry up, Santa!” “Please let this year end soon and let the next year be better.” “Lord, just get me to the end of this year so I can star over!” “Come on, Lord, do something soon!”

Well, here we are. Presents are opened. Gifts have been exchanged. Memories have been shared. New ones have been made. Blessings are counted. The clock strikes midnight, and we breathe a sigh of relief and say along with John, “Amen. Come, Lord Jesus”.

In John’s words, we find a promise, a prayer, and a proclamation.

A promise:

“Yes, I am coming soon.” Although we do not know everything that was meant to be expressed in this statement, we do know enough to realize assurance in the promise: ‘you are not alone. I am always with you. I am coming. Do not despair. Do not lose heart or hope or joy. I am coming back’.

A prayer:

Amen. Come Lord Jesus. Lord, I need You now. I need You always. I need You every day. Lord, although I am grateful for this life and the experience of living here, I am ready for You to come and take me to be with You where You are.

A proclamation:

The grace of the Lord Jesus be with God’s people. Amen.

Can one utter a more loving blessing for another human being? Can one proclaim a more generous request?

So, here we are again, ending one year’s story and beginning another. Closing one chapter as we turn the page to another. As we do so, may we offer this prayer:

Father, thank You for never leaving us alone and for the assurance of knowing that we will never be left alone, that You are coming, and although for us it may not be soon enough, we know You are coming. Thank You for always hearing our prayers.

Thank You for giving us Your grace and for reminding us of the grace that we want others to receive.

Amen. Come, Lord Jesus.


A Norvell Note © Copyright 2016. Tom Norvell. All Rights Reserved.


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