A Norvell Note and Patreon
As 2018 comes to end I want to thank you for your financial and prayer support over the last twelve months. With your help I have been able to write and share fifty-two more A Norvell Notes, and publish my book Until Hope Returns. Needless to say I won’t be taking the family on a long and extended beach vacation, or sending any of our five granddaughters to college on the profits from the book, but it has been a very satisfying accomplishment.
I could not have done either of those things without your help. Our move to Texas has brought more challenges for finding time devoted to writing, but I accept that challenge and have no plan to stop, hope to work another project or two in 2019.
I hope you will continue to support my writing, maybe increase (every dollar helps), in the coming year. However, if you choose to discontinue your financial support I understand and ask that you continue praying that God will give me words to encourage, lift up, and help people see and know Jesus more deeply.
Thank you again and I wish you many blessings in the new year.