A Norvell Note for September 13, 2021
Vol. 24 No. 36
Dear Norah
Dear Norah,
You changed my life forever when you were born. The first time I held you in my arms, I said: “Hi Norah. I’m so glad you are here. I love you.” I never wanted you to doubt that I loved you.
Of course, God’s love for you and your love for Him was most important. But somehow, I think you knew that before you took your first breath. Then, you came into the world surrounded by love and filled with the love that can only come from God. We saw it, and we felt it.
For me, the most painful of all emotions is being unable to express my love to those God has entrusted me to love. When, for whatever reason, I can’t, my heart feels like it is going to explode. So, Norah, I’m writing this now to tell you again, “I love you.”
I said it hundreds, probably thousands of times, in your short seven years and seven months of life. “I love you, Norah.” And, you always responded with, “I love you, Papa.” Sometimes you’d say it first. We said it, and we knew it.
We said those words when I would be leaving your house, and when you were in the car strapped into your car seat and your parents were ready to leave our house, but you would want to say it one more time. We whispered those words as you went to sleep, or we were taking a walk, and while sitting in the shade of our backyard. Sometimes just out of the blue, you’d say: “I love you, Papa.” And I’d say, “I love you too, Norah.”
Over the last four months, the words “I love you” have been spoken to you by more people than we can count. The words were whispered in your ear. They were shared over a FaceTime screen. Love for you was expressed in gifts, notes, cards, and pieces of artwork. The words came to assure you of our love for you and as a prayer of thanksgiving for the gift God gave us in You. If you were able, you answered with, “I love you, too.” You seemed to want to assure us that we, too, were loved.
Norah, I will miss your many questions and wanting to know how things worked and why. I will miss your “Highs and Lows” at the dinner table. I will miss your hugs. I will miss the intensity with which you approached everything you did. I will miss watching you play and dance and run, ride horses and swim. I will miss hearing you sing “How Great Thou Art.” I will miss taking walks with you. I will miss hearing you say, “I love you, Papa.”
But, more than anything else, I will miss saying, “I love you, Norah.”
[Keep up with Norah’s updates at Tom on Facebook]
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