Trust God

A Norvell Note

November 3, 2024, Vol. 28 No. 43

Trust God

Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God. (Psalm 20:7)

The only answer I can offer to many people’s questions is, “Trust the Lord.” 

To the gentleman who feels his life is over and cannot understand why the Lord is keeping him here, I say, “I think we need to trust that the Lord knows what He’s doing, and He must have a reason, even though we don’t know what that reason is.”

To the college students stressed about all their decisions about their education, careers, relationships, and the rest of their lives, I say, “Trust God to show you the way, and be patient.”

To couples struggling to keep their marriage together and are losing hope, “Do what is right and trust the Lord.” 

To the loyal company man in shock because he lost his job and asks me, “Why has this happened to me?” I can only say, “I don’t know, but we need to trust God to see you through it.”

Saying, “Trust the Lord,” may sound trite, trivial, and like a cop-out. But it’s not. When we have more questions than answers, more pain than comfort, and our faith is wavering but honest, all we can do is trust God. This week is one of those times when we need to trust God. 

A Norvell Note © Copyright 2024 Tom Norvell All Rights Reserved

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