The Worthy Goal

A Norvell Note

December 29, 2024, Vol. 28 No. 50

The Worthy Goal

We are almost there—the end of one year, the beginning of another. There have been times of testing and destress, celebration and peace, victory and defeat. Regardless of what has happened, this is a good time to start over.

Some will vow to lose weight, stop using foul language, exercise more, and look for a new job—all worthy goals. However, many made the same vows a year ago and will make the same vows a year from now. Let me suggest a more worthy goal. 

“I’m not saying that I have this all together; I have it made. But I am well on my way, reaching out for Christ, who has so wondrously reached out for me. Friends, don’t get me wrong: By no means do I count myself an expert in all of this, but I’ve got my eye on the goal, where God is beckoning us onward—to Jesus. I’m off and running, and I’m not turning back.”[1]

Consider this as a more worthy goal. 

We are not there yet.

Just as many of us did not achieve the goals we planned for this year, and the writer of Philippians did not reach his goal, we are not there yet. Life has gotten in our way. We have made mistakes and excuses and ignored the goals we set. So, we have not reached this worthy goal. But…

We are on our way with our eyes on the goal. 

We know where we are going, and we are moving forward. The worthy goal is still in front of us, and we are moving toward it. We may need to repeat our resolve to reach our goal, but we are moving closer to it than we were a year ago. That is a good thing. 

Jesus is our goal.

Let there be no confusion; our goal is Jesus. To know Him (John 17) Our goal is to be like Him. Refer to Philippians 2 for His attitude. And His spirit (see Galatians 5) and His love (John 13). He is our goal. 

We are not turning back. 

We have not and will not quit. We are keeping our eyes on Jesus (Hebrews 12:1-3). We are not there yet but moving closer to Him and becoming more like Him. 

You may already have set excellent goals for the coming year. But if your goal is not to become more like Jesus, please reconsider and choose a more worthy goal. Leave this year’s stuff behind and move forward to be like Jesus. 

I hope 2024 ends well and 2025 begins and continues well all year.

A Norvell Note © Copyright 2024 Tom Norvell All Rights Reserved. 

[1] The Message, Philippians 3:12-14

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