If You Had Never Been Born

Vol. 16 No. 02 | January 14, 2013

In It’s A Wonderful Life George Bailey questioned that.

At his low point, defeated and broken and not knowing where else to turn, he visits Mr.Potter seeking help, only to have his nemesis pour salt on his wounds:


Mr. Potter: “You’re worth more dead than alive! Why don’t you go

to the riffraff you love so much and ask them to let you have 8,000? You know why? Because they’d run you out of town on a rail. But I’ll tell you  hat I’m going to do for you, George. Since the state

examiner is still here, as a stockholder of the Building and Loan, I’m going to swear out a warrant for your arrest. Misappropriation of funds, manipulation, malfeasance…”[sees George runs off]

Mr. Potter: “All right, George, go ahead! You can’t hide in a little town like this!”


Potter’s words hit home. George believed him. He concluded that he was indeed worth more dead than alive. He wished he had never been born.

He got his wish. The story is his look into his world without him in it. The result is a renewed, restored and revived George Bailey.

Can you identify with George? Are you feeling as if life has passed or is passing you by? ther people get all the breaks. Other people get the promotions. Other people take the dream-of-a-lifetime vacations. Other people live in the biggest houses in the nicest neighborhoodss and drive the coolest cars. You, well you’re stuck working at the same old “Broken-down savings and loan” in the same old boring Bedford Falls that you call home.

Do what George Bailey did. Take a few minutes and try to imagine what your world would be like if you had never been born into your world.

If you had never been born…

Your children would have never known their Daddy.

Your children would have never been able to say, “I love you, Mommy.”

Your wife would have never been able to walk down the aisle into your arms.

Your husband would have never heard you say, “I will love you until I die.”

Your company would have never rebounded from the recession and made the progress it has made.

Your students would have never experienced your passion for teaching English, or Math, or History.

Your parents would have never been able to say, “I’m proud of you.”

Those people with whom you shared the Gospel when you went on that mission trip would have never learned that they are loved by the Creator of the world so much that He gave His one and only Son to die so they could have eternal life.

That little boy down the street who got hurt while his mother was working late would not have gotten the care and attention he needed.

That money you gave to support the ministries in your church would have never been given.

That little boy who watched the way you handled yourself when you lost the big game would have never learned what it means to be a good sport and how to win gracefully and lose with grace.

That little girl who never knew her real dad would have never known what it meant to be loved the right way.

That couple watching the way you and your husband love and respect each other would have never seen what a good marriage looks like.

That young lady watching how you look at your husband when he comes to the office for a visit would have never known that there is a different way.

My name is not Clarence and I am not trying to get my wings, but I can assure you: When the enemy tells you that it would have been better if you had never been born, it is a lie. Do not listen to the lies.

You are not a mistake. You are not worthless. Your family would not be better off if you were dead. You are not worth more dead than you are alive. The world, your world, would not be better without you. You would be missed. You do make a difference. You have value. You are unique. You are special. You are needed. Nobody else can ever be you or make a difference for good like you.

How do I know this? Because I know that you were created in the image of God (Genesis 1:27). Because I know that because God created you, you are “fearfully and wonderfully made” (Psalm 139:14). Because I know that God loves you so much he gave His one and only son to die for you (John 3:16). Because I know that Jesus said, “I have come that you may life and have it to the full” (John 10:10).

If you had never been born? You were. God knew what He was doing. He knows what He is doing. Trust Him and live to the fullest!

© Copyright 2013 Tom Norvell. All rights reserved.


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