Vol. 18 No. 36 | September 12, 2016
It is Monday morning.It is early Monday morning. You are sleeping soundly and deeply and peacefully. You are shaken from your slumber by your alarm on the nightstand next to your bed. In your grogginess you search for the alarm and turn it off as you glance at the clock. You groan in disbelief that it is time to get up and flop your head back on your pillow. Then, you remember, “I work for the Lord! I get a pay check from the company, but I serve the Lord Christ.” Your approach to the day is totally different.
You did not get much sleep last night. One of your little ones had a nightmare then had a difficult time getting back to sleep. Once he was finally settled down, your other little one woke up wanted to play. as the day goes on you perform your duties as best you can. Getting them fed for breakfast, then again for lunch, then your husband calls and tells you he needs to works a couple of hours longer. You slump down in a kitchen chair almost in tears, when these words printed on a card and stuck on the refrigerator, “Whatever you do…” (Colossians 3:17). You know the verse. You put the card there for just such times. Your sigh changes to a deep cleansing breath as you remind yourself: “I work for the Lord. I serve the Lord Jesus.” You smile when the little ones come running in saying, “Mommy, we’re hungry.” “Yeah, Mommy, we’re hungry.”
The summer break seemed much too short as you get your classroom ready for a new group of students. Faculty meetings, after school activities, and parent conferences are what awaits you. It almost overwhelms you until you remember, “I work for the Lord! I get a pay check from the school board, but I serve the Lord Christ.” Your whole disposition has changed as you look at the list of new students.
Your football team lost, your car would not start this morning, you electric bill is the highest of the year, and your son just called saying he had lost his job and wants to move back home. Your boss hands you a project that she wants finished by the end of the day. Your wife just called saying her mother is coming for long visit. Your shoulders slump as your turn your chair to face the window daydreaming about last summer’s vacation. That’s when you are reminded, “I work for the Lord! I take orders from my employer, but I serve the Lord Christ.” You spin your chair around and dive into the project.
Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving. (Colossians 3:17, NIV)
Keep that verse handy this week. You may need it to help you remember that there is a different approach to the tasks that face you.
A Norvell Note © Copyright 2016. Tom Norvell All Rights Reserved.