God’s Love For Differences

Vol. 17 No. 41 | October 12, 2015

You wake up one morning and step outside and realize it is Spring.
The air is clear.
The temperature is warmer.
There is a sweet fragrance in the air.
The birds are letting you know they have a new song to sing.

You wake up one morning and step outside and realize it is Summer.
The air is thick.
The temperature is hot.
The humidity is high.
The grass has a crunch, you begin to sweat and think, “This is a bummer.”

IMG_0103You wake up one morning and step outside and realize it is Fall.
The air is fresh.
The temperature is cool.
The humidity is low.
The breeze stirs the leaves that are turning colors and it is time for football.

You wake up one morning and step outside and realize it is Winter.
The air is cold.
The temperature is low.
There is ice in the forecast.
You bundle up snug, rush to your car, and think about chili for dinner.

God woke up the mornings, the seasons, and days.
The days are all different.
The mornings are all new.
The seasons are all unique.
He designed each to be special and cause us to marvel His ways.

With the world in full motion, in the fullness of time He came here to dwell.
To bring us new life.
To bring us new truth.
To bring us a new way.
So His Kingdom has come to bring us hope, and life, and show all is well.

His Kingdom is as diverse as the seasons, all colors, all races, all ages, all people, is inclusive, is welcoming, is open to all.

With God’s love for differences in all He has created being so obvious, maybe we would do well to develop a love for differences as well. That just makes good sense.


A Norvell Note © Copyright 2015. Tom Norvell All Rights Reserved.


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