A Norvell Note
March 4, 2024 Vol. 28 No. 10
The Plans Changed
The birthday plan was simple. Take the day off from work, sleep late, have coffee, have a quiet time, and catch up on email. Then, take a walk in the spring weather, catch up on writing projects, make a few phone calls, relax, maybe go to the driving range to hit some balls, and enjoy the day.
He indeed enjoyed that day if the Lord laughs when we make plans. Almost nothing turned out as planned. Interruptions, malfunctions, and uncooperative people replaced the peaceful plans with frustration, anxiety, and anger.
A late afternoon phone conversation, a pleasant dinner, many Happy Birthday notes, and a Celtic win improved the day’s mood.
The pity party lingered for another day or so. There was whining, pouting, regret, and even some oh-poor-me-ism—such a crybaby.
The pouting stopped when I watched a news story showing masses of starving people scrambling to reach the food dropped from the sky.
It all changed while glancing out the window at a busy intersection to see a family asking for help, as the children surrounded their dad in a wheelchair, laughing and playing as if they didn’t have a care in the world.
The whining stopped while watching a son lean over the bed of his deceased Dad, putting his hand on Dad’s head and telling him, “I love you” for the last time.
The oh-poor-me-ism completely faded while sitting with a tearful wife weeping because she didn’t know how to tell the love of her life goodbye.
Some days, even birthdays, don’t always go according to plan. This is no tragedy. Instead of whining and complaining, consider how blessed you are. Look for the joy in the day. Let God use you to bring joy to someone else.
A Norvell Note © Copyright 2024 Tom Norvell All Rights Reserved