He Is Risen!

What I Want You To Know About Jesus, #5

Vol. 19 No. 16 | April 15, 2017

My most vivid childhood memory of Easter involves polishing my shoes. Yes, you read that correctly. Polishing shoes was our Easter ritual that I now realize was a clever way to implement tradition. To me, there was no rhyme or reason to it, but it did serve as an effective way for our parents to get us to shine our shoes on Easter morning. 

The understanding in our house was that if you wanted Easter candy on Easter morning, your shoes had to be cleaned, polished, shined and placed outside your bedroom door. With shoes cleaned and shined, we would go to bed, then on Easter morning we would find our shined shoes miraculously filled with Easter candy, along with a basket full of eggs and more candy. I eventually discovered that the Easter Bunny was just as much of a night owl as Santa was. But none of this mattered, as long as I had an adequate supply of those white, cream-covered eggs with pink, yellow, blue, and green sugar. Such a healthy snack to start off our Sunday morning!

The second most vivid memory of my childhood Easters was dying the Easter eggs. Usually on the Saturday before, the eggs would be boiled and tablets of dye would be dropped into heated vinegar. Next, the boiled eggs would be placed on a copper wire with a circle designed specifically to hold one egg at a time. The egg would be dipped into the dye and an amazing transformation would take place. Those plain white eggs became various shades of red, blue, green, yellow, and pink. Some of them came out of the dye with unique designs that we would create with a wax crayon. After the color transformation, the eggs, still wet with warm vinegar, would be placed on newspaper spread out on the kitchen table to dry. I can still here my mom’s warnings: “Don’t touch them! You’ll mess them up! You have to let them dry!”

And so, adequately jacked up on sugar, off we would go to church- dressed in our best (and only) pair of black pants, white shirts, black ties, and beautifully polished shoes- soon to join all the ladies and little girls dressed in their Sunday best, wearing their pretty hats and new fancy dresses.

I suppose the preacher spoke about the Resurrection, but I most likely missed it, falling asleep right about the time he started. But I assure you I woke up in time for the Easter Egg hunt that followed. That I would not miss. 

Eventually I outgrew those traditions. Well, most of them. I still try to make sure my shoes are in pretty good shape, and I now prefer the Reece’s Peanut Butter bunnies instead of the colorful sugar-coated eggs. I also eventually came to understand that the miracle of Easter was not about candy mysteriously showing up in my shoes, or eggs changing color right before my eyes.  Easter was about a Savior who had died and been buried, and then rose again from His grave.

The miracle is about the followers of Jesus who watched him suffer pain and humiliation, who witnessed the afflictions of his wounds and declaration of his death, who saw him conquer death and rise again. Hope restored.

I now understand that an Easter Sunrise means more than hunting eggs and wearing my best clothes. It means that the time of darkness has passed and the Light has returned. It means that the hope that had been lost has now returned. It means that although we go through times of waiting and confusion, even despair, because of that empty tomb, hope is restored. 

He is risen! He is risen indeed!


A Norvell Note © Copyright 2017. Tom Norvell All Rights Reserved.

Reasons Why Jesus Is Not Safe

What I Want You To Know About Jesus, #4

Vol. 19 No. 15 | April 10, 2017

Jesus is not safe because following Him means carrying a cross.

Your cross may involve suffering for your faith. Your cross may involve leaving the creature comforts of your local community or staying there longer than you desire. Your cross may involve losing friends and family or being stretched to the limits of your faith. Your cross may involve physical limitations or being forced to face your fears. 

Jesus is not safe because following Him leads to death.

Following Jesus means abandoning yourself and embracing Him as your truth. Following Jesus may mean letting your dreams die so that He can create new ones within you. Following Jesus may mean abandoning your career goals so you can pursue the vocation He has designed for you. Following Jesus may mean surrendering your pride and even experiencing physical death that will unite you with and bring glory to Him.

Jesus is not safe because loving people is not easy.

Following Jesus means loving people. Loving people is not easy and it is not optional. Loving people is the identifying factor of a follower of Jesus. Some people are easier to love than others. You have to love the difficult ones too. Following Jesus means loving people like He loves you, and this also entails forgiving them as He has forgiven you.

Following Jesus will present known challenges and some that will not be revealed until you are in the thick of it. If you choose to follow Jesus, there may be times when you wonder if you made the right decision and times when you are convinced you made the wrong one.

Following Jesus is not safe because you must carry your cross, you must let the person you were before die so that He may now live through you. And, you must love people. If you just start with those two things, your journey will be much easier than it would have been otherwise. 

If you choose to follow Jesus, stay focused on the fact that He carried His cross and died for your sins. He chose to die so that you could be victorious over death. He chose to love people because He knew we needed to be loved.

Following Jesus is both challenging and rewarding. But the reward, in the end, will be worth the challenges.

As you consider following Jesus think about this story

Immediately Jesus made the disciples get into the boat and go on ahead of him to the other side. After he had dismissed them, he went up to a mountainside by himself to pray. Later that night, he was there alone. The boat was already a considerable distance from land, buffeted by the wind and the waves.

Shortly before dawn, Jesus went out to them, walking on water to reach them. When the disciples saw him walking on the lake, they were terrified and cried out in fear, “It’s a ghost!”

But Jesus immediately said to them: “Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.”

“Lord, if it’s you,” Peter replied, “tell me to come to you on the water.”

“Come,” he said.

Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water, and came toward Jesus. (Matthew 14:22-29, NIV)

As scary as it was, Peter came forth and walked on water. None of the other disciples could make that claim. He loved and trusted Jesus enough to follow Him when he said, “Come”.

The question of whether or not you will follow Jesus can only be answered by you. He does not demand it. He will not force you. He invites you to follow Him. If you choose to follow Him, your life will be filled with adventure that is beyond anything you can imagine. Maybe He is saying, “Come” to you. Will you?


A Norvell Note © Copyright 2017. Tom Norvell All Rights Reserved.

Jesus Is Not Safe

What I Want You To Know About Jesus, #3

Vol. 19 No. 14 | April 3, 2017

Three weeks ago, I wrote that I was beginning a series of articles, based on John’s gospel, where I would share things that I want you to know about Jesus. I started with the fact that, ‘He is’. Jesus is who he says He is. Last week I wrote about the fact that He is the ‘True Light’, and we need the light of Jesus to see our way through the world.

My plan this week was to focus on this thought John 1:15, The Message:

The Word became flesh and blood, and moved into the neighborhood. We saw the glory with our own eyes, the one-of-a-kind glory, like Father, like Son, Generous inside and out, true from start to finish.

I’ve imagine this scene as follows: You come home from work and see a van parked in the driveway of the house next to yours. You walk over to meet the new neighbor and discover it is Jesus. Jesus has moved into the house next to yours. Not to keep an eye on you. Not to spoil your fun. He moved in next to you because He wants to be close to you. Wow, what a thought! Jesus wants to be close to me.

My plan was to go through the gospel of John pointing out other characteristics of Jesus, other facts about Jesus, and other interesting ideas about Jesus that I wanted everyone else to know. This would be a long series of articles that would provide a vast repertoire of topics to pull from for the months to come.

Then I got bored.

That’s right, I got bored with my own stuff. I realized that you probably already know most of my thoughts about Jesus and most of the traits of Jesus that I wanted to share. Yes, I think it is important for you to know that, “Jesus Is” that He offers us “True Light” and that He wants to be near you. I think we all need to know those things as well as all the others I would eventually share.

But, through a series of God moments, conversations, and opportunities to listen and reflect on life – the gospel, our culture, and where I am in my own life – I realized most of the thoughts I wanted to share with you would fill you with thoughts, ideas, and concepts that might not be what you really need. They might help you live a nice, comfortable life in your church and in your community. But my concern is that this might prompt you to live through my thoughts without ever really experiencing the real Jesus and how an honest relationship with Him might transform your world.

So, the third thing (technically the fourth) I want you to know about Jesus is that He Is Not Safe. By that I do not mean that He will not care for us, that He will not give us peace, or that He will not provide us with rest when we are weary. He always does and He always will.

But when we make a commitment to follow Jesus, we need to know that we are choosing a life that is not all fun and games. A life with Jesus is not always easy, or smooth, or comfortable. In fact, this understanding of a life following Jesus may be one of the most destructive views of God that pervades our culture. ‘Just trust in Jesus and the blessings will start falling from the heavens.’

This is what Jesus said:

Do you finally believe? In fact, you’re about to make a run for it—saving your own skins and abandoning me. But I’m not abandoned. The Father is with me. I’ve told you all this so that trusting me, you will be unshakable and assured, deeply at peace. In this godless world you will continue to experience difficulties. But take heart! I’ve conquered the world. (John 16:32-33, The Message)

Did you catch that? “In this godless world you will continue to experience difficulties.” But, are the frustrations, disappointments, trials, hurts, and sorrows that you are experiencing because you are following Jesus? No. They are part of life and will continue. You simply must be ready, be patient, and be strong.

This is the best decision you will ever make. Yes, He has overcome all that. Yes, eventually you will too. But for right now, in this world, do not be shocked, surprised, or caught off guard when things do not go how you want them to. “Following Me” Jesus says, “will be difficult at times.”

But, the good news is that He will be with us through every frustration, every disappointment, every trial, every hurt, and every sorrow. At times when we think we cannot bear any more, He will lift our burden or help us carry it.

No, Jesus is not safe. But, He is. He provides the light for our way. He is with us at all times.

Now, you have a crucial decision to make. Will you follow Jesus?


A Norvell Note © Copyright 2017. Tom Norvell All Rights Reserved.

He Is the Light!

What I Want You To Know About Jesus, #2

Vol. 19 No. 13 | March 26, 2017

Let’s talk about light.

I make no claim to be an expert on the history of light, but I know we are indebted to Thomas Edison for inventing the electric light bulb. Although there is evidence that before Edison, British inventors were demonstrating that electric light was possible with the arc lamp. Everything becomes much clearer when we have access to more light.

But when it’s dark, when there are no overhead lights, what do we do for illumination?

Before smart phones, if you wanted to see where you were going in the dark, you needed a flashlight. Before the flashlight, lanterns were the best way to overcome the darkness. Before the lantern, one may have used a candle. Before the candle, a torch might have been the light of choice. Before the torch…well, I am not sure what was used. There were probably a lot of stubbed toes and bruised heads. The point should be clear; if it is dark, you need light.

You need light when you are trying to navigate the darkness. But sometimes, just having a light is not enough.

For example, in a dimly lit restaurant, you can see, but maybe not well. You may need to move the menu closer to the candle to read it. Or, it is not uncommon to see people pull out their smart phones to help them see the menu better.

You may be in a room with a television on and a lamp on the table next to you. There is light, but if you decide to read the newspaper or a book, you may need more.

When I am in my bedroom looking for socks to wear, I may need additional light to tell which one is black and which one is blue. If the overhead light is not enough, I hold them under the lamp. If this still is not sufficient, I open the window shade to let the sunlight come through. Then, I can easily distinguish between to two colors. The sun is the true light. The Son of God is the true light.

John uses this kind of imagery when he describes Jesus.

There was a man sent from God whose name was John. He came as a witness to testify concerning that light, so that through him all might believe. He himself was not the light; he came only as a witness to the light.

The true light that gives light to everyone was coming into the world. He was in the world, and though the world was made through him, the world did not recognize him. He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him. Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God—children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of God. (John 1:6-13, NIV)

The people had been waiting for and looking for the Light of God to come into the world. There were others who had come claiming they were the light or that they had the light. So it was only natural that those seeking it would go to John the Baptist to find out if he was the true light. John clarifies it when he tells them, “He himself was not the light; he came only as a witness to the light.”

Then he says, “The true light that gives light to everyone was coming into the world. He was in the world, and though the world was made through him, the world did not recognize him”. Jesus is the true light. John could only point to the true light. He could provide some light, but he could not give the light that everyone was seeking, nor did he claim he could.

As it was in Jesus’ time, people are looking for more light today. A light that can reveal what is true, what is real and right.

People themselves can at times be the darkness that surrounds us and can be oppressive and depressing. In His sermon Jesus tells us that we are the “light of the world.” But we can only be the light when we have seen the light.

Jesus is the light. Jesus is the true light. Jesus is the One who can illuminate our path in the darkness. Jesus can bring light into our dark world. That is what He came to do. That is what He wants to do.

That is why I want you to know Jesus. He is the light! Move toward the light.


A Norvell Note © Copyright 2017. Tom Norvell All Rights Reserved.

The First Thing I Want You to Know About Jesus: He Is!

Vol. 19 No. 12 | March 19, 2017

A few weeks ago, I shared that one of my greatest passions is my desire to help people know Jesus (My Role in the Kingdom). The first and most important step to knowing Him is to just know that He is!

These words come from John, Chapter One:

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. (John1:1-5, NIV)

The Word was first,
the Word present to God,
God present to the Word.
The Word was God,
in readiness for God from day one.
Everything was created through him;
nothing—not one thing!—
came into being without him.
What came into existence was Life,
and the Life was Light to live by.
The Life-Light blazed out of the darkness;
the darkness couldn’t put it out. (John 1:1-5, The Message)

Obviously I cannot make you believe this if you do not already or if you do not want to. But I believe it. In one way or another, the fact that Jesus is influences everything I do.

Because He is, I have a purpose.

Because He is, I have confidence that life is more than a series of unrelated events and coincidences.

Because He is, as the old song says, “I can face tomorrow.”

Because He is, I know I am never alone, regardless of how alone I may feel.

Because He is, I know that life is not about me. It is all about Him.

Because He is, there is light even in the darkest of days.

Because He is, the world and all of creation was made for us to experience and enjoy.

Because He is, we have someone who listens to our hearts, understands our discontent, and forgives our sins.

Just knowing that He is, just accepting that reality, is a good place to start on a journey with Him. It is not necessary to know everything about Him.

For now, just take a deep breath and say, “He is! HE is! He IS!” Meditate on and take comfort in the beautiful reality that He is!

As you go through your day, keep thinking about the fact that He is. Whisper it when anxieties increase. Say it out loud when you sense doubt creeping in. When you open the shade in the morning to check the weather, remind yourself that He is. When you lay your head on your pillow at night reflecting on your successes and failures, breathe deeply and remember that He is.


A Norvell Note © Copyright 2017. Tom Norvell All Rights Reserved.

The Toddlers and the Moms

Vol. 19 No. 11 | March 12, 2017

I look up and gaze out the library window. A toddler and her mom are walking, well sort of walking, in the late afternoon sunshine. The toddler is preoccupied with the blooms on the wildflowers, the bright green blades of grass, and the sticks that are all but invisible to her mother. A gentle tug of war takes place, the mother finally winning the battle of wills. And off they go to their very important destination.

Another toddler, this one a curly, blond-headed boy, drops to the ground refusing to take another step. There are flowers to explore. He pulls off the purplish bloom with his little hand and claims it as his own. He got it, and not a second too early. His mother takes him by the arm with loving authority and leads him on to their very important destination.

Apparently there is a toddler’s or ‘mother-of-toddler’s’ gathering happening nearby. Whatever the case, the mothers are certainly more concerned about making it to the event than the little ones are. 

Sometimes I see a bit of myself in those mothers.

Like the mothers, I often find myself fixated solely on getting to my very important destination. And time is of the essence. Traffic delays frustrate me. Red lights irritate me. Green left-turn lights that only stay green long enough for the four cars in front me to get through are the absolute worst! I don’t have time for such inconveniences. We are losing daylight here.

The gray-hair in front of me is clearly oblivious to how busy I am and how important my time is. The confused out-of-town driver should surely know better than to get in my lane. The teenager, the grandmother, or that well-dressed businessman need to all get off their phones and focus on getting through the light!

Outside, I appear calm and in control. Underneath, I am so anxious and stressed out that I see nothing but the clock on the dash ticking the minutes away. No time for chitchat. No time to connect with friends and family.

No time to stop and pick those purple flowers in bloom.

When I, like those mothers, am hurrying about, checking of my list of my very important to-dos, I feel good about what I have accomplished throughout the day. But then sometimes I wonder what I missed along the way.

And then sometimes I see myself in those toddlers.

As ‘the toddler’, I am relaxed and calm and in the moment. I cannot understand why that guy behind me feels compelled to ride my bumper. I shake my head in amazement as the driver in front of my speeds up to get through the yellow light that he knows is going to be red by the time he gets to the intersection!

When I see the world as the toddler, I not only want to pick the purple flowers, but also the jonquils. I want to stop and take pictures of the way the sun is reflecting off the water and pause with amazement as the sky turns from blue to red to pink to purple. On those days, even dandelions can have a certain beauty…although I have to really be in a childlike state of mind for that to happen. 

When I toddle along, I find great delight in what I have seen and experienced throughout the day. But sometimes I wonder what I could and should have done to be more productive.

I see God in those toddlers.

Pausing. Seeing. Exploring. Urging me to stop and take it all in. Challenging me to just be, relish in the moment, and do nothing but reflect on all the beauty that God has created.

But I also see God in those mothers.

Pushing. Pulling. Nudging. Urging me to move along. Challenging me to do something, to make something happen, to get on with what needs to be done.   

As I drift between the mindset of a toddler and that of the parent, I try to find peace in the words of the one who modeled the attitude of each. I pray that He will show me how to balance both and take comfort in that He continues to love me whether I am picking blades of grass or rushing to a meeting.   

“Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?

And why do you worry about clothes? See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you—you of little faith? So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. (Matthew 6:25-33, NIV)


A Norvell Note © Copyright 2017. Tom Norvell All Rights Reserved.

My Role in the Kingdom

Vol. 19 No. 10 | March 6, 2017

Over the past several months, I have been doing a lot of thinking, praying, and reflecting on what my new role is, what my ultimate purpose is, here in the Kingdom.

For most of my adult life, my purpose and role have been very clear: to work with and lead local churches. This involved teaching, preaching, counseling, comforting, leading, and mentoring. Five months ago, much of that- how I do it, when I do it, where and with whom- changed significantly.

Since then I have been on a journey of discovery that has focused on answering these questions:

What is it that I do best?

What is my true passion?

How do I now do what I do in this new life setting?

Is it time to do something completely new and different?

I have received sound advice and guidance from wise friends and family members (some older and some younger). I have listened. I have prayed. I have journaled. I have read books and articles. I have listened to podcasts, sermons, preachers, teachers, counselors, those who are retired and those still in the workforce.

But one question has emerged that has helped me, more than anything else, get closer to the answers I seek.

What breaks my heart?

This question came to me recently while I was praying.   I then came across it again in an article by Brandon Cox, Great Leadership Often Starts with a Broken Heart.

Cox makes a poignant case to support this notion:

“Great leadership often starts with a broken heart.”

After much reflection, I have realized that there are two scenarios that truly break my heart.

First, it breaks my heart when I encounter people who do not know Jesus.

Jesus said, “Now this is eternal life: that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.”

It breaks my heart to see people who know the facts about Jesus, but do not know Him. It breaks my heart to see church leaders who know rules, regulations, and how to keep people in line, but who do not know, really know, Jesus.

Second, it breaks my heart to see children who are sad and alone.

I often see news stories about abandoned animals. These stories are heartbreaking, and I always hope they find their way home. But stories about sad, lonely, abandoned, and abused children, this is something that absolutely breaks my heart.

As I ponder my role in the Kingdom, I realize now what I have known in my heart for decades. My role is to help people really know Jesus and to bring comfort to sad and lonely children in whatever capacity that I can.

I am still working out the details- the how and the where- of how I can best serve in these areas that I now know are my true calling. These details will sort themselves out. But the essential piece, identifying what truly breaks my heart, is the solid foundation I needed on which to build.

Maybe you are at a similar crossroads in your life? Perhaps asking yourself this question will help bring you clarity as well.

What breaks your heart?

When you discover the answer, think of one thing you could do to help change it. And then do it. Even if it seems like the smallest step. Even if it seems like it won’t make a difference. Do it anyway. The details will work themselves out.

I truly believe that when you take the time ask, to listen, and to follow your heart, you will uncover your role, your ultimate purpose here in the Kingdom. 


A Norvell Note © Copyright 2017. Tom Norvell All Rights Reserved.

He Hears My Voice

New Ministry Website

Vol. 19 No. 09 | February 26, 2017

My journal entry began with these words: “It has been a difficult week in many ways. There have been lots of good things, but the pressures from without and within often seem to overpower me.”

Those words were written a few minutes after I finished reading Psalm 55. David laments of the battles raging around him that were created by his enemies. This particular battle is more difficult for David because it is being waged by one who was once “[his] close friend” (Psalm 55:12-14).

Throughout the Psalm, David expresses his desire for his enemies to be defeated and even destroyed: “Let death take my enemies by surprise; let them go down to the grave, for evil finds lodging among them” (v. 15). Near the end, however, his thoughts shift toward the One who “hears his voice” (v. 16). Read these words and let David’s words remind you of the One who also hears your voice.

But I call to God,
and the Lord saves me.
Evening, morning and noon
I cry out in distress,
and he hears my voice.
He ransoms me unharmed
from the battle waged against me,
even though many oppose me.
God, who is enthroned forever,
will hear them and afflict them—     Selah
men who never change their ways
and have no fear of God.
My companion attacks his friends;
he violates his covenant.
His speech is smooth as butter,
yet war is in his heart;
his words are more soothing than oil,
yet they are drawn swords.
Cast your cares on the Lord
and he will sustain you;
he will never let the righteous fall.
But you, O God, will bring down the wicked
into the pit of corruption;
bloodthirsty and deceitful men
will not live out half their days.[1]

So I read those words as I reflected on my week and realized that the enemies I battle against are also very close to me. In fact, most of my enemies are within me. My enemies are the pressures that come from destructive thoughts, painful memories, negative thinking, reminders of failures and inadequacies, and fear.

These enemies, though within me, seem to be all around me. They lurk in the dark places of my soul. They hide in the secret places of my mind, waiting for the perfect moment to launch an attack.

There are days when I am able to see the attacks ahead of time, resist them, and walk away in victory. There are other days, when my defenses are down, that I am taken completely by surprise down, and I crumble in defeat.

These enemies are as real as any physical being that may have my destruction as their goal. The battles are just as difficult. And yet, to my amazement, I have survived this week of battle, and I am still standing.

The amazement comes as I realize that God has been with me through each battle. Some of the enemies He has defeated, some permanently. He has surrounded me, protected me, and empowered me to live to fight another day. He has reminded me that my task is to cast my cares on Him and He will sustain me. He will destroy the enemies.

With this recognition of God’s power, I, like David, conclude these thoughts with this simple statement of confidence in the one who will never let the righteous fall.

“But as for me, I trust in you.”


A Norvell Note © Copyright 2017. Tom Norvell All Rights Reserved.


[1] The Holy Bible: New International Version (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 1984), Ps 55:16–23.

Friday Afternoon

Vol. 19 No. 08 | February 19, 2017

It is Friday afternoon.

Many people look forward to Friday afternoon. For many, it is the last work day of the week. The majority of folks are clock-watching, counting the seconds until it is time to go. We use “hump day” as a marker for how much closer we are to Friday afternoon. We even have a restaurant named T.G.I.F (Thank God it’s Friday). All week long we make plans for what we are going to do on Friday after we get off work. Some want to party. Some want to relax. Some exercise. Some just relish in the fact that they are not at work.

For some people, Friday afternoons have a different feel. For some, Friday afternoons are lonely. I am a part of that ‘some’. I find Friday afternoons to be lonely.

Maybe it is because for most of my formative years, Friday afternoon was a time to get ready for a ballgame, a date, or dinner out.

Maybe it is because for all these years, our children were home on Friday afternoon, and it was a time to help them get ready for or go with them to a ball game, dinner out, or a movie.

Maybe it is because for much of my adult life, Friday afternoon meant I was either playing golf, doing yard work, or preparing to join friends or family for a meal.

Maybe it is because for so many years, and even still, the bulk of my work has been finished by Friday afternoon and I am ready to do something different, something fun, something relaxing.

We often plan to go to a movie or have dinner out on Friday evenings simply because it seems like a good thing to do.

Maybe Friday afternoon is often a struggle for some because it marks an end to the week, and we have more time to reflect. I tend to think about all the things I accomplished during the week. I think about all the things I wanted to accomplish. Then, I think about all the things that I did not accomplish that will be waiting for me tomorrow or Sunday or Monday.

I reflect a lot on Friday afternoon. I am more likely to listen to “Pacing the Cage” by Jimmy Buffet, or John Denver’s “Poems, Prayers, and Promises” on Friday afternoon. And it is not unusual for me to play “I Built Myself a Life.”

I must admit taking time to reflect is one of my special pleasures in life. Some might call it daydreaming, but that is something different. There is a purpose to reflecting. There is a purpose to reflecting on the day, the week, the month, the year, on life. I think reflection is a much needed and much forgotten instrument for developing a healthy soul.

Obviously, you can drive yourself crazy in your reflection time if you focus only on those unfinished tasks. Instead, try your hardest to reflect on what you have accomplished. Reflect on how God has helped you accomplish those things. Reflect on all the moments of beauty and rest and peace that God provided for you. Reflect on the struggles that God has helped you through. Reflect on promises He has made to you that you have yet to see fulfilled.

I wonder about Jesus’ reflections on that Friday afternoon on the cross. (No, I do not want to argue whether it was Friday or Thursday.) The story tells us He often went away by himself to pray, and I suspect reflect. On this particular Friday afternoon, He was focused on what was waiting for Him. The pain. The humiliation. The angry crowds. The nails. The tears. The hours before He finished what He came to do.

As He pondered those things ahead of him, I wonder if, to help get through it all, He might have reflected on being with the Father when they, along with the Spirit, created the world. I wonder if He might have reflected on the twelve who He had chosen and the times of teaching, sharing meals, laughing with them, and watching them struggle to understand His teaching.

I wonder if He reflected on the time He changed water to wine, watched Peter stop out of the boat and walk toward Him, and the look on the blind man’s face when he first opened his eyes and could see.

I wonder if He reflected on those things and so many other things that He and the Father had done together as he pleaded for there to be “another way.”

Obviously, I will never know all the things, what Jesus reflected on as he prayed in the garden on that Friday afternoon. But one thing I am sure of, He prayed. As He reflected, He was thinking of you and me, even though we were centuries from being born, and the provision for our sins to be forgiven that He was about to reveal to the world.

As I reflect on this Friday afternoon, I am reminded of children that are grown and living on the meals shared between them and good friends, lonely Friday afternoons when no one was around, and that special Friday afternoon when Jesus said, “This is why I came. And it is finished!” And I find that in the midst of my reflections, I am extremely grateful and forgiven.

It is Friday afternoon, and I am thankful.


A Norvell Note © Copyright 2017. Tom Norvell All Rights Reserved.



Maybe Not As Healthy As I Thought

Vol. 19 No. 07 | February 12, 2017

I am not sick! I am not in a health crisis of any sort (physical, mental or spiritual)!

I have kept this to myself to avoid rumors starting, but I have discovered in recent weeks that I may not be as healthy as I thought.

I had my annual physical a few weeks ago. After having made some adjustments to my blood pressure medicine at the end of 2016, I was pleased that my numbers were again in the acceptable range. I did the rest of the things a 63-year-old-men is supposed to do in those check-ups- blood work and a serious conversation with the doctor, which included, “Why are you not exercising?” Left the office feeling pretty good, thinking “I’m doing pretty well for a semi-old guy.”

A few days later the doctor’s nurse called saying, “The doctor wants you to make a few adjustments.” I will not go into the details but some numbers were not where they should be. She went on to inform me that I needed to back off on some foods, increase some of my meds and vitamins, and begin taking another med. Turns out that I’m not as healthy as I thought.

Several months after leaving my preaching position, my wife and I were binging on the West Wing. Many times we had to pause between episodes for brief conversations on how that scene impacted us. Most included a passing wish that Josiah Bartlett could be in the current presidential race, or how we had forgotten about that actor or actress being on the show.

During one season, the White House team had faced several challenges but had survived them all and came out victorious in the second term election. C. J., Toby, Josh, Leo and the whole team enjoyed a jubilant time of celebration. During that episode, I paused it, wiped tears from my eyes, and when my wife questioned me, I muttered, “I miss the team!” Turns out, I’m not as healthy as I thought.

Having survived a few months in this new chapter of life, I was feeling pretty good about things. I decided to venture off into a pretty exciting and demanding new phase to develop some skills and add a few more tools to my ministry tool box. I was pumped. I was excited. I was invigorated by how enjoyable and helpful this was going to be.

That is, until I had a mind implosion. “I have no room for this information in my brain.” “As much as I want to do this, I cannot.” I was sad. I was disappointed with myself. I was angry with myself. I was frustrated with wasting money we did not have to waste. Turns out, I’m not as healthy as I thought.

I’m not as healthy as I thought. That is quite a realization. Yes, I realized years ago that I was not as young as I once was and could not physically do many of the things I once did. That is part of life. That is part of getting semi-older. No Sweat! (Partly because I do not move as quickly as I once did, so I don’t sweat as much as I once did.)

So it is, or will be, with accepting the reality that I am not as healthy as I thought. After numerous conversations with my wife, friends, and the Lord, I am understanding more about what these things mean and how to deal with them.

The primary message I have received is simple: It is okay! Maybe you’re not as healthy as you thought, but you still have a good heart, a good mind, two good legs, good friends, a loving family, and all kinds of opportunities to serve the Lord in your present condition. So, it is okay.

Closely attached to that is: It is a time for you to rest. Enjoy it, and rest.

Words like the following have brought me peace as I realize that I am not as healthy as I thought.

Ecclesiastes 2:22-24, (NIV)

22 What do people get for all the toil and anxious striving with which they labor under the sun? 23 All their days their work is grief and pain; even at night their minds do not rest. This too is meaningless.

24 A person can do nothing better than to eat and drink and find satisfaction in their own toil. This too, I see, is from the hand of God,..

Matthew 11:27-29, (NIV)

27 All things have been committed to me by my Father. No one knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son and those to whom the Son chooses to reveal him.

28 Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.

Isaiah 40:28-31 (NIV)

Do you not know?

Have you not heard?

The Lord is the everlasting God,

the Creator of the ends of the earth.

He will not grow tired or weary,

and his understanding no one can fathom.

29 He gives strength to the weary

and increases the power of the weak.

30 Even youths grow tired and weary,

and young men stumble and fall;

31 but those who hope in the Lord

will renew their strength.

They will soar on wings like eagles;

they will run and not grow weary,

they will walk and not be faint.

Maybe you are going through a similar phase of life. Against your will, you are slowing your pace. You keep hearing the same message in every sermon, every song, and seeing it in everything you read: “It’s okay to take a break. It’s okay to slow down. It’s okay to back away for a while and let yourself heal.”

Jesus did it regularly. God considered it important enough to include it as one of His laws. If He thought it was such a good idea, and necessary, maybe you can crawl down off your self-made pedestal long enough to let the Lord run the world. He has been doing it for a long time.

Maybe you need to rest a while so He can make you healthier than you ever thought you could be. The things He has planned for you to do will get done when He is ready for them to get done.


A Norvell Note © Copyright 2017. Tom Norvell All Rights Reserved.