A Quiet Life

Vol. 18 No. 37 | September 19, 2016

images“Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life: You should mind your own business and work with your hands, just as we told you, so that your daily life may win the respect of outsiders and so that you will not be dependent on anybody.” (1 Thessalonians 4:11-12, NIV)

“A quiet life?” Some of you read that phrase and thought, “Dream on, Dude! Ain’t happening! You can talk about living a quiet life all you want, but you don’t know the world I live in. There is nothing quiet about it!”

Unfortunately I hear statements like that too often. Unfortunately I also find myself thinking along those same lines and using similar language.

There are two words in the sentence that appear to be contradictory: “ambition” and “quiet life.” We rarely put those two words together.

When we think of ambition we think of climbing the corporate ladder, getting to top before anyone else, winning at all cost, being the very best, being a high achiever, and accumulating the most. Ambition is often spelled B-U-S-Y. Ambition speaks of hustle and hurry.

When we think of a quiet life we hear Jesus say, “Come to me and I will give you rest.” We hear the Psalmist say: “Be still and know that I am God.” The quiet life reminds us of peaceful waters, green pasture, and a restored soul.

When we think of ambition we are reminded of the disciples arguing over, “Who is the greatest?” When we think of the quiet life we are reminded of Jesus going off by Himself  to a quiet place.

When we think of ambition we have visions of the President. When we think of the quiet life we see images of a father fishing with his son on the bank of a pond.

When we think of ambition we see the corner office with a spectacular view of the city. When we think of the quiet life we see Granddaddy sitting in his rocker on the front porch.

When we think ambition we often think hard-working and successful. When we think of the quiet life we often think lazy and failure.

Is the quiet life feasible in our day? It must be and Paul provides three simple guidelines for living the quiet life.

Plan for it. The quiet life will not just happen. It must be your ambition. It must be your goal. You must plan for it. You will not wake up one morning and suddenly your world has become quiet. You will need to work at living a quiet life. There will be things you must stop if you are going to live a quiet life. You will need to shut down and shut out some of the noise in your life, get rid of some of the clutter in your life, and focus on what really matters. To have a quiet life you must desire a quiet life.

Mind your own business. Wow! What a difference that will make! Do not read that statement like siblings would say it to each other: “Mind your own business!” Read like a loving spiritual parent would say it to their spiritual son or daughter who is trying to be the person God wants them to be: “Just mind your own business. It’s not your responsibility to straighten out the rest of the world. You have plenty to do taking care of your own business. Don’t borrow frustration from someone else. Just mind your own business.” Social media would certainly change if we started minding our own business. Conversations between friends would sound different. That does not mean you ignore the needs of other people. Paul has covered that in other places. As a general rule, mind your own business.

Do your own job. Work with your hands. What have you been trained to do? Do that. What are you most passionate about? Do that. Do it well. Work hard at what you are gifted to do. You cannot do someone else’s job and still do your well. If you are teacher, then be a teacher. If you are a preacher, then be a preacher. If you are an artist, be an artist. If you are a police officer, be a police officer. If you serve coffee, then serve coffee.

The quiet life often escapes us not because it is unachievable, but because we make excuses, because we enjoy being (or appearing) over-worked and over-committed, and because we simply refuse to make it our ambition. It is your choice. Is it important? Is it possible? God thought it was important enough to include in His Book. Maybe this week you will experience the quiet life.


A Norvell Note © Copyright 2016. Tom Norvell All Rights Reserved.

A Different Approach

Vol. 18 No. 36 | September 12, 2016

unknownIt is Monday morning.It is early Monday morning. You are sleeping soundly and deeply and peacefully. You are shaken from your slumber by your alarm on the nightstand next to your bed. In your grogginess you search for the alarm and turn it off as you glance at the clock. You groan in disbelief that it is time to get up and flop your head back on your pillow. Then, you remember, “I work for the Lord! I get a pay check from the company, but I serve the Lord Christ.” Your approach to the day is totally different.

You did not get much sleep last night. One of your little ones had a nightmare then had a difficult time getting back to sleep. Once he was finally settled down, your other little one woke up wanted to play. as the day goes on you perform your duties as best you can. Getting them fed for breakfast, then again for lunch, then your husband calls and tells you he needs to works a couple of hours longer. You slump down in a kitchen chair almost in tears, when these words printed on a card and stuck on the refrigerator, “Whatever you do…” (Colossians 3:17). You know the verse. You put the card there for just such times. Your sigh changes to a deep cleansing breath as you remind yourself: “I work for the Lord. I serve the Lord Jesus.” You smile when the little ones come running in saying, “Mommy, we’re hungry.” “Yeah, Mommy, we’re hungry.”

The summer break seemed much too short as you get your classroom ready for a new group of students. Faculty meetings, after school activities, and parent conferences are what awaits you. It almost overwhelms you until you remember, “I work for the Lord! I get a pay check from the school board, but I serve the Lord Christ.” Your whole disposition has changed as you look at the list of new students.

Your football team lost, your car would not start this morning, you electric bill is the highest of the year, and your son just called saying he had lost his job and wants to move back home. Your boss hands you a project that she wants finished by the end of the day. Your wife just called saying her mother is coming for long visit. Your shoulders slump as your turn your chair to face the window daydreaming about last summer’s vacation. That’s when you are reminded, “I work for the Lord! I take orders from my employer, but I serve the Lord Christ.” You spin your chair around and dive into the project.

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving. (Colossians 3:17, NIV)

Keep that verse handy this week. You may need it to help you remember that there is a different approach to the tasks that face you.


A Norvell Note © Copyright 2016. Tom Norvell All Rights Reserved.

Put Yourself Aside

Vol. 18 No. 35 | September 5, 2016

UnknownIf you’ve gotten anything at all out of following Christ, if his love has made any difference in your life, if being in a community of the Spirit means anything to you, if you have a heart, if you care— then do me a favor: Agree with each other, love each other, be deep-spirited friends. Don’t push your way to the front; don’t sweet-talk your way to the top. Put yourself aside, and help others get ahead. Don’t be obsessed with getting your own advantage. Forget yourselves long enough to lend a helping hand. (Philippians 2:1-4, The Message)

Your assignment this week: put yourself aside.

It starts, if you read further in Philippians 2, with an attitude. It is not just any attitude, it is the attitude of Christ. In order to put yourself aside, and hope other get ahead, you must develop the attitude of Christ. Interestingly enough, in order to develop the attitude of Christ, you must put yourself aside. It does not just happen. You must consciously and intentionally think about it and act on those thoughts. Remember, even a small step is still a step.

Small steps you can take this week.

When you are in line at the grocery store, let the person behind you go ahead of you. Yes, I know you are in a hurry. Let them go ahead of you anyway.

When you reach the drive-thru line at Starbucks at the same time as the other person just as desperate for that first cup of coffee, let them go ahead of you. Then, don’t grumble about it.

When you have had a hard day at work and come home to your spouse and kids, remember your spouse has probably had a hard day at work too. Remember your kids have probably been anxiously waiting for you to get home. Put yourself aside and play with the kids and give your spouse a break.

When you are having a bad day and it seems to be getting worse. Put yourself aside and do something good for someone. Give them a phone call or a text them to remind them how much they mean to you. Take a couple of extra minutes and after the pleasantries of your usual “Hey, how are you?” Wait for a real answer to that question. You might have to say, “No, I really mean it. How are you?”

When you are in the meeting with the other leaders of your company or your church or your club and you want things done your way and someone else wants things done their way, unless it is a life or death (speaking physically and spiritually) issue, let things be done their way.

When you are trying to make an important point with your spouse and making your point may determine who wins or loses the discussion (argument). Let your spouse win.

Put yourself aside, and help others get ahead. Consider others better than yourself. Don’t be obsessed with getting your own advantage. Forget yourselves long enough to lend a helping hand.

Put yourself aside: That’s your assignment for this week. The joy you experience when you put yourself aside will make you glad you accepted the assignment.


A Norvell Note © Copyright 2016. Tom Norvell All Rights Reserved.

With Freedom and Confidence

Vol. 18 No. 34 | August 29, 2016

UnknownIn Ephesians chapter 3 Paul is explaining the mysterious work of God that brought him to the point of bringing God’s message of grace and hope to all people…Jews and non-Jews are heirs together and members together of one body, and sharers together in the promise in Christ Jesus. Near the end of that part of the conversation he makes this astounding statement:  In him and through faith in him we may approach God with freedom and confidence. (Ephesians 3:12, NIV)

What a gift! To be told by God that we may approach God with freedom and confidence.

Some would tell us we must be careful how we approach God. Some would say you must be cautious. Some would say we must approach God with fear. Consider these words from John Ortberg.

The Bible says that, “the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.” Today we don’t speak much of this. Our images of God have tended to grow smaller and more comfortable. What does it mean to fear the Lord? We have no need to be afraid that God will do mean or destructive things. We do not need to be afraid that God’s love is not fully trustworthy. One of C. S. Lewis’s characters expresses fear at the prospect of meeting his Christfigure, the great lion Aslan, and wonders if he is quite safe. “Safe? Who said anything about safe? Of course he’s not safe. But he’s good.” This fear involves reverence and awe, a healthy recognition of who God is. It also involves recognition of our fallenness. But worship reminds me that the day will come when our fallenness will be utterly healed. In that day we will fully realize the truth of the saying that “perfect love casts out fear.”

The Lord of the Universe does not want us to be afraid of Him. The great God almighty does not want to be fearful when we approach Him. He wants us to approach Him with freedom and confidence. The Message says it like this: “When we trust in him, we’re free to say whatever needs to be said, bold to go wherever we need to go.”

What are you waiting for? Go to Him with all the concerns and pains of your heart. Go to Him will all your dreams. Go to Him with your wildest imaginations. Go to Him with all your fears. Take Your sadness to Him.

When you go, go with confidence. Go freely. Go to Him knowing He wants you to go.


A Norvell Note © Copyright 2016. Tom Norvell All Rights Reserved.

Known By God

Vol. 18 No. 33 | August 22, 2016

UnknownFormerly, when you did not know God, you were slaves to those who by nature are not gods. But now that you know God—or rather are known by God—how is it that you are turning back to those weak and miserable principles? (Galatians 4:8-9, NIV)

In a chapter what Paul is writing to a church in danger of being sucked back into a system of legalism from which they had been set free, Paul is pleading with them to stay free. He urges them to avoid the dangerous trap being set for them by those who would enslave them again. In these two sentences he describes two contrasting human conditions.

He reminds them of a time “when they did not know God.” Can you remember that time in your life? You were depending on your own merits to save you. You were holding yourself responsible for your own salvation. It was all up to you. You did not know the loving God who sent His son to earth live and die and come back to life. All you knew was human effort ant human achievement. The only meaning to life was what you could accomplish. You did not realize, because you did not know better, but you were a slave. You were so enslaved that the you were not even aware of your enslavement. You thought that was the only way to live.

That has all changed because “now you know God—or rather are known by God.” You know of His love. He made you aware of His love by sending Jesus, His only Son, to break the chains of slavery and set you free. You know of His love through the merciful kindness that tore down the walls that separated you from Him. You know of His love that has been lavished on you through the shedding of blood and the power of His mercy and grace.

You know of His love, but you are also known by the living and loving almighty God who created the universe. He knows you. He cares for you. He showers you with His love. He cherishes you. He knows your weaknesses and sinfulness and loves you completely. He knows your hurts, heartaches, and heartbreaks. He knows your need for refreshment and graciously provides you with seasons of refreshment.

You know Him. He knows you. He as set you free from your bondage. Why would you ever consider going back into a life of slavery?

Please be wise. There are still those who would pull you back into a life that is about making sure you are not breaking any of the rules and trying to keep all the laws. You can try. But you cannot do it. They will promise it as the right way, and the only way. But do not believe their lies. You will fail and fall right back to “those weak and miserable principles.”

The next section of Paul’s letter begins with these words: “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.”

You know God. You are known by God. You have been set free. You are created to be free, so be free and live for the One you know, and the One who knows you. There you will find joy.


A Norvell Note © Copyright 2016. Tom Norvell All Rights Reserved.

When I Am Weak

Vol. 18 No. 32 | August 15, 2016

Complete this sentence: when I am weak…Unknown
When I am weak I feel like a failure.
When I am weak I want to quit.
When I am weak I want to give up.
When I am weak I want to cry.
When I am weak I want to run away.
When I am weak I feel lost.
When I am weak I think my life is a waste.

Paul said, “When I am weak, then I am strong.” (2 Corinthians 12:10)

It is rare for us to hear anyone admit a weakness in our day, much less take pride in our weakness like Paul does. You almost never hear an athlete admit a weakness. When a celebrity admits a weakness it is usually only after a scandal has been uncovered. Certainly not in our current political conversation will you hear any of the contenders admit a weakness.

Paul had reached a level of spiritual maturity where he not only admits his weaknesses, but takes pride in them (2 Corinthians 12:8-10). A man who most who read and believe the Scriptures consider a spiritual giant takes pride in being a failure.

What is the message? What are we to learn from Paul’s example?
Simply and profoundly this: God is our strength.

When you feel that you are weak that is when God will fill you with His strength.
When you have failed God will give you victory.
When you want to quit God will help you go on.
When you are crying God will renew your Spirit.
When you feel lost God will be your home.
When you think your life is a waste God will show you your value.
When you are weak, God’s grace will be sufficient.

If this week is anything like last week, or the week before, or the week before that, there will be something that happens this week that makes you realize that you cannot handle everything by yourself. It could be a family disturbance. It could be an upset customer. It could be a disgruntled employee. I could be a bad report from the doctor.

Whatever it happens to be you may find yourself feeling weak, helpless, and powerless. When that happens listen closely and carefully and you will hear God saying, “My grace is sufficient for you.” Trust that. Lean into that. Know that is true.

Thank Him, and when you are sharing your story include this statement: “When I am weak, then I am strong.”


A Norvell Note © Copyright 2016. Tom Norvell All Rights Reserved.

Make Room For Us

Vol. 18 No. 31 | August 8, 2016

Unknown2 Corinthians 7 begins with these words: “Make room for us in your hearts.” Paul is writing to the Christians in Corinth as part of an ongoing relationship with them that involves and in part because of a request for them to give to a special effort to help another group of people. You can read more about that in chapter 8. But for the purposes of this post I want to focus on this one statement: “Make room for us in your hearts.”

Consider the people who are calling out for someone to “Make room for us in your hearts.”

“Make room for us in your hearts.” Cries the children down the street who needs supplies to begin a new school year.

“Make room for us in your hearts.” Cries the mother who shows up alone at church every Sunday with two small children.

“Make room for us in your hearts.” Cries the single guy who comes in, sits alone, and quietly leaves alone.

“Make room for us in your hearts.” Cries the elderly gentleman sitting alone at a table not far from you in the restaurant where you and your church friends go after you leave church services.

“Make room for us in your hearts.” Cries the line of people standing in the hot sun waiting for their chance to fill a shopping cart with food. (See OneGenAway.)

“Make room for us in your hearts.” Cries the man at the intersection holding a sign that reads: “No job. No home. Will work for food.”

“Make room for us in your hearts.” Cries child that moves from foster home to foster home.

“Make room for us in your hearts.” Cries the wife and mother as she feverishly bundles her children in her arms, packs what she can in the car and escapes to a shelter.

“Make room for us in your hearts.” Cries the middle aged man who goes through life alone, a casualty of being on the wrong side of the power systems and still strives to be a blessing to all.

“Make room for us in your hearts.” Cries the grand parents who have reared their own children and now provide a love-filled home for their grandchildren.

“Make room for us in your hearts.” Cries the family leaving the comforts of home to move to among the people of a distant and poverty-stricken country to remind them that they have made room for them in their hearts.

“Make room for us in your hearts.” Cries the immigrant coming to America hoping to find a safe place to pursue a life where her gifts and talents are acknowledged, respected and appreciated.

“Make room for us in your hearts.” Cries the lonely forgotten masses as they hope for someone somewhere to remember they exist, acknowledge they have value, and believe they worthy of our attention.

“Make room for us in your hearts.” Will we hear their cries?


A Norvell Note © Copyright 2016. Tom Norvell All Rights Reserved.

Pour On the Love

Vol. 18 No. 30 | August 1, 2016

As you read these words let me ask that you think about a person who has hurt you. You may be thinking of a friend who has betrayed you by sharing something you told them in confidence. You may be the victim of verbal or physical or emotional abuse. You may be thinking of your spouse or one of your children who walked away from the family for a while and now is ready to come home. You may be thinking of a business partner who went behind your back on a deal that ended up costing you a great deal of money. Any one of these can be terribly painful and create havoc and heartache.

As difficult as the above scenarios may be, and I do not minimize the pain involved with any of them, in Scripture, especially in Paul’s writings there are things that happen that he emphasizes because of the broader and more widespread pain created by the offender. The letters Paul wrote to the church in Corinth deal specifically with an individual(s) who’s sin has and is having a negative effect, not just on individuals but on the collective body of Christ. In earlier writings he has given instruction on the importance of separating the disobedient individual from the fellowship. The process would be similar to that of removing a tumor from the physical body in order to protect the rest of the body.

With that as a backdrop I ask you now to think about a person within your spiritual community who has done something, said something, or acted in some way that is not in keeping with a follower of Jesus. The face of the individual appeared in your mind as you read those words. You remember how angry they became when they were confronted. You can still hear the poisonous words that spewed from their lips. You remember the tension that emerged when people chose sides. You remember how your leaders struggled to deal with them and keep peace in the body. You think of them every time you walk into the building and see the empty space where they usually sat. You grieve over the loss.

Then they came back. Apologetic and broken they are asking to be forgiven. How do you respond? How should you respond? Questions like that must have been what the Corinthians were asking Paul when he responded in 2 Corinthians. Here’s what he said:

5 If anyone has caused grief, he has not so much grieved me as he has grieved all of you to some extent—not to put it too severely. 6 The punishment inflicted on him by the majority is sufficient. 7 Now instead, you ought to forgive and comfort him, [WHY?] so that he will not be overwhelmed by excessive sorrow. 8 I urge you, therefore, to reaffirm your love for him. 9 Another reason I wrote you was to see if you would stand the test and be obedient in everything. 10 Anyone you forgive, I also forgive. And what I have forgiven—if there was anything to forgive—I have forgiven in the sight of Christ for your sake, 11 in order that Satan might not outwit us. For we are not unaware of his schemes. (2 Corinthians 2:5-11, NIV)

From that response I find these truths that should help you as you deal with a person who has caused you grief.

First, there comes a time when the punishment you inflicted is sufficient. Parents you know that moment when you have punished your child and he comes to you with tears running down his face and say, “I’m saawwy, Mommy.” Your teenager comes to you after having broken curfew and hands you the keys to car. There may still be consequences to their actions, but you have done enough. The Lord has done good work in his heart.

Second, forgive and comfort her. The words “I forgive you” are tremendously important for her, and for you. She needs to hear them. You need to say them. Maybe you can follow-up with these words, “How can I help you now?” Paul shows that he knows there is a limit to the amount of sorrow and individual can take when he says, “…so that he will not be overwhelmed by excessive sorrow.” It is easy to ignore this step and replace it with, “I will forgive you, but I will never forget what you have done.” It is true that you may not be able to fully forget the offense but you can stop reminding her.

Third, reaffirm your love for him.  This is when your child crawls up in your lap and you hug him and kiss him and say, “I love you so much. There is nothing you can ever do that will change that.” The same sort of thing needs to happen with your friend. They won’t literally crawl up in your lap but in some manner you need to remind him, that there is nothing he can ever do that will cause you to stop loving him. The Message says it this way: “My counsel now is to pour on the love.” What a great way to say it!

Some of these words may have stirred up deep seeded emotions that you have had successfully buried. You pushed them down and had successfully ignored, until now. Now you are reminded that the anger, resentment, pain, sadness and heartache are still there. You smile and act like everything is “Fine. Just fine.” Maybe it is time to take things a little further with deal with them. I hope this helps.


A Norvell Note © Copyright 2016. Tom Norvell All Rights Reserved.

Where’s the Love?

Vol. 18 No. 29 | July 25, 2016

imagesPaul wrote these words: “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.” (1 Corinthians 13:4-7, NIV)

This one paragraph in what many call the “Love Chapter” is a small portion of a letter written to a church that struggled with just about every problem imaginable. In what seems to be his best effort to bring peace to their volatile situation he writes these words describing the one thing possible solution: love.

It appears that as Paul pondered the things going on in Corinth the Spirit provided him with the words that were the opposite of what he was seeing among the Christians there in Corinth. He saw impatience and unkindness, envy, boasting and pride. He saw Christians who were dishonoring other Christians, acting out of selfishness, easily becoming easily angered, and holding grudges. He seems to basking where’s the love?

Reading these words in the context of the events of our day in our communities, political arena, and even in some churches, we ask the same question: where’s the love?

Words of love were sparse to say the least during last week’s Republican National Convention.

It is not likely the language will be much different in this week’s Democratic National Convention.

Although there are references to something that sometimes resembles love you really do not hear much about it in news reports.

Many homes are filled with language that expresses feelings far different from the languages of love.

Work places are commonly known for the conversations that take place during breaks, lunch hours, office parties but it may not be the same kind of love that Paul describes in his writing.

The language that Paul uses describing the truest love there may or may not be found in those places, but perhaps that was never the intent. Paul is writing to Christians. He is writing to those of us who claim to walk with Jesus and like Jesus, and encouraging us to live the life of love. Live in our homes. Live it in our work places. Live it in our schools. And definitely live it in our churches.

It is not the task of politicians to speak and demonstrate the love that Paul describes. It is not the task of the corporate world to speak and demonstrate the love that Paul describes. It is not the task of news media to speak and demonstrate the love that Paul describes.

It is my responsibility to speak and demonstrate the language of 1 Corinthians 13. It is your responsibility, if you claim to follow Jesus, to speak and demonstrate the language of 1 Corinthians 13. It is the responsibility of the church to speak and demonstrate the language of 1 Corinthians 13.

Where is the love? Hopefully the search will be found with and in the people of God.


A Norvell Note © Copyright 2016. Tom Norvell All Rights Reserved.

If Everyone Were Like Me

Vol. 18 No. 28 | July 18, 2016

UnknownLife would be so much easier for me, if everyone were like me.

If everyone were like me when I tell people I get up early and stay up late to watch the British Open no one would consider me strange.

If everyone were like me when I tell people I do not like raw tomatoes, no matter how fresh, no one would say, “And you’re from the South!”

If everyone were like me we would all cheer for the Yankees, the Celtics and the Cowboys.

If everyone were like me we would never have another heated discussion on politics.

If everyone were like me wearing jeans, untucked shirts, loafers, and no socks would be the preferred attire for all occasions.

If everyone were like me mornings would begin slow, easy, quietly and with a really good cup of coffee…just black.

If everyone were like me Italian food would be on the menu at least once every week…maybe twice.

If everyone were like me all tables that seat more than two people would be round.

If everyone were like me it would take about 10 seconds for all of us to be bored out of our brains.

Fortunately not everyone is like me.

In 1 Corinthians 8 gives a very clear illustration that not everyone is like me. He is talking to a group of people who had issues over eating certain kinds of food that emerged from their spiritual heritage. Paul’s message here is simple: if I can do or not do something that will enhance your walk with the Lord, I will do it. 

In 1 Corinthians 12 Paul describes the Body of Christ like this, “But in fact God has placed the parts in the body, every one of them, just as he wanted them to be. If they were all one part, where would the body be? As it is, there are many parts, but one body.” His message is simple here is equally simple: We are all different and God made us all just the way He wants us. 

When I combine the two messages I get this: When I am who God created me to be and your are who you created then, we build each other up, encourage each other to be who we are created to be we will be our relationships with the Lord will be enhanced and the Body will be strengthened. 

We are all different. God made us different for a reason. He created me to be me and He created you to be you. I cannot be you and you cannot be me. I am glad God created us all like we are. I am glad not everyone is like me.


A Norvell Note © Copyright 2016. Tom Norvell All Rights Reserved.