Leader or Boss

A Norvell Note

Vol. 27 No. 32                   August 14, 2023

Leader or Boss

“A leader makes people feel safe. A boss makes people anxious.”

We can assume that the person who penned those words was either an observer or a victim of leadership failure. 

We hear disheartening stories of bosses who make people not only anxious but miserable. We can find abusive bosses in business offices and financial institutions, and they seem to thrive in our political system. Some may call them teachers, coaches, team leaders, parents, or spouses. It is not as surprising to find anxious people due to difficult bosses in those arenas. 

However, it is deeply disappointing when the stories emerge from churches, especially when you consider the one who showed us how to lead. 

Therefore if you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any common sharing in the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind. Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves,not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.

In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus:

Who, being in very nature[a] God,
    did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage;
rather, he made himself nothing
    by taking the very nature of a servant,
    being made in human likeness.
And being found in appearance as a man,
    he humbled himself
    by becoming obedient to death—
        even death on a cross! (Philippians 2:1-8)

Surely we can do better. 


A Norvell Note © Copyright 2023 Tom Norvell All Rights Reserved

To follow updates on Junie, go here: welovejunieblue

For past articles, go here:  A Norvell Note.

When I Feel Stuck

A Norvell Note

Vol. 27 No. 30                   For the week of August 7, 2023

When I Feel Stuck

In one of His teaching stories, Jesus said, “Still others, like seed sown among thorns, hear the word; but the worries of this life, the deceitfulness of wealth and the desires for other things come in and choke the word, making it unfruitful.” (Mark 4:18-19) I realize that not only does the word become unfruitful, but so do I. I lose focus. I lose direction. I lose sight of what’s essential. 

I begin my day wondering what I am supposed to be doing today. I end my day wondering if I accomplished anything today. I have difficulty focusing on what I read, which diminishes my desire to read. I lack motivation. My energy level is low. 

Often when I find myself in this state of mind, I return to a few key passages of scripture that help me refocus and reengage. 

“He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” (Micah 6:8)

“Be still and know that I am God.” (Psalm 46:10)

“…make it your ambition to lead a quiet life: You should mind your own business and work with your hands, just as we told you, so that your daily life may win the respect of outsiders and so that you will not be dependent on anybody.” (1 Thessalonians 4:11-12)

“Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near.” (Philippians 4:5)

So, today I’m trying to be still, focus on what I can do, the things I can change, do what good I can, and let that be enough. 

Would that be helpful for you? 


A Norvell Note © Copyright 2023 Tom Norvell All Rights Reserved

To follow updates on Junie, go here: welovejunieblue

For past articles, go here:  A Norvell Note.

I Am With You

  A Norvell Note

Vol. 27 No. 30                                     For the week of July 31, 2023

I Am With You

When you wake in the morning, I am with you. 

When you eat your breakfast, I am with you.

When you get ready for work, I am with you.

When you go to work or school, I am with you.

When you go through your daily activities, I am with you.

When you interact with your family and friends, I am with you.

When you take a walk, I am with you.

When you nap by the ocean, I am with you.

When you are on top of the mountain, I am with you.

When you are on top of the world, I am with you.

When the bottom falls out of your world, I am with you.

When your heart is full of joy, I am with you.

When your heart is breaking, I am with you.

When you are in a crowd, I am with you.

When you are alone, I am with you.

I am with you wherever you go, whatever you do, whatever is happening.

I hope you hear me, I hope you believe me, and I hope you always know that I am with you. 


A Norvell Note © Copyright 2023 Tom Norvell All Rights Reserved

To follow updates on Junie, go here: welovejunieblue

For past articles, go here:  A Norvell Note.

A Sparrow and A Grasshopper

  A Norvell Note

Vol. 27 No. 29                                     For the week of July 24, 2023

A Sparrow and A Grasshopper

As I approached my car in the parking lot, I noticed a sparrow diving over the top of the car and down the side back and forth. I asked, “Little bird, what are you doing on this hot afternoon.” I noticed a hefty grasshopper on the roof’s edge just above the passenger door when I got nearer. This yellow and green grasshopper looked very tasty to the little bird; however, he (or she) was almost 3 inches long. Not much smaller than the sparrow. “Little sparrow,” I said, “You sure are brave!” 

The sparrow felt very confident in its hunting ability, and I imagined it saying to itself, “Wow! Wait until the other birds see what I’m bringing for lunch.” The scenario continued until I started the engine and pulled away. 

As I exited the parking lot, I wondered if the sparrow had heard someone quote Matthew 6:26, “Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them.” And thought, “Lord, you’ve outdone Yourself today!” And if the grasshopper had heard the same thing and thought, “I’m not worried.” 

Then, I thought about the car I drive, the food I eat, the water I drink, the salary I receive, the house where I live, the medical care I receive, and the community of family and friends who love me. I thanked Him. 

I realized that, like the sparrow, sometimes I bite off (or try to) more than I can chew. The Lord gives me the confidence to try. Like the grasshopper, sometimes I am confronted with danger (often, I’m not even aware of it), but the Lord protects me and keeps me from harm. 


A Norvell Note © Copyright 2023 Tom Norvell All Rights Reserved

To follow updates on Junie, go here: welovejunieblue

For past articles, go here:  A Norvell Note.

That’s Enough for Today

  A Norvell Note

Vol. 27 No. 28                                     For the week of July 17, 2023

That’s Enough for Today

Some days I look at all the tasks I have added to my schedule with confidence that I will accomplish everything. Then, I look at my week, and all the days with all the tasks, and with self-assurance, I take a deep breath, knowing I get it all done. 

At the end of the day, I look at the list of tasks left undone, and disappointment fills my worn-out mind. In that quiet moment, I hear Jesus say, “That’s enough for today.”

As the days become a week and that nightly ritual repeats, I reflect on what I did and did not accomplish. I hear I again hear Jesus say, “That’s enough for this week.” 

As you begin another week of activity, make your schedule, and list the duties for the day. Be confident that you will complete most of them. But if you review and discover you did not meet some obligations, be kind to yourself and listen for Jesus to say, “That’s good enough for today.” 

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” (Matthew 11:28-30)


A Norvell Note © Copyright 2023 Tom Norvell All Rights Reserved

To follow updates on Junie, go here: welovejunieblue

For past articles, go here:  A Norvell Note.

  A Norvell Note

Vol. 27 No. 27                                     For the week of July 10, 2023

Where Is the Sting?

For the perishable must clothe itself with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality. 54 When the perishable has been clothed with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality, then the saying that is written will come true: “Death has been swallowed up in victory.” 

55 “Where, O death, is your victory?
    Where, O death, is your sting?” 

56 The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. 57 But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.

58 Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain. (1Corinthians 15:53-58)

I have read this passage to provide comfort and consolation to many people, including myself, facing the victory and sting of death as a reminder that when this life ends, it really isn’t the end. I know it is true. I know that through Jesus, there is victory. Yet sometimes, I think death has won the victory, and I feel the sting of death. 

I feel that death has won the victory when death keeps taking people I love. I feel that death has won the victory when there seems to be no end to death. I think death has won the victory when there is another cancer diagnosis or one has lost the ability to remember, speak, comprehend, or recognize the face of a loved one. 

I feel the sting of death every time I see the tears of a daughter as she says goodbye to her mother and a mother who says goodbye to her daughter. I feel the sting of death when I hear a grown man describe his father as “He was the best man I’ve ever known.” The sting of death is in the tears of a spouse as she says, “I miss him so much.” 

Sometimes, death appears victorious, and the sting feels natural, “But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.”


A Norvell Note © Copyright 2023 Tom Norvell All Rights Reserved

To follow updates on Junie, go here: welovejunieblue

For past articles, go here:  A Norvell Note.

Let’s Celebrate!

  A Norvell Note

Vol. 27 No. 26                                     For the week of July 3, 2023

Let’s Celebrate!

If we focus too much on what is happening and the events in the world that we can see and hear that frustrate, discourage, and disappoint us, we may miss the good things happening around us. I understand that it is not and will not be easy. It takes being intentional in our thinking and determined in our reflections. I am writing to myself as much as anyone. 

If we focus too much on the sadness and disappointment of life, we may miss the joy and happiness that God places all around us.

If we give too much attention to the unrest and disturbances around us, we may overlook the times of rest and peace God gives us. 

If we allow our brokenness and failures to overwhelm us, we may lose sight of the goodness that God has placed within us.

If we see only the death and loss that is all around us, we may miss the life of abundance that God has given us. 

If we only see the negative and all that is wrong, we may miss the opportunities to celebrate. 

Let’s celebrate!

Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth.
Worship the Lord with gladness;
    come before him with joyful songs.
Know that the Lord is God.
    It is he who made us, and we are his;
    we are his people, the sheep of his pasture.

Enter his gates with thanksgiving
    and his courts with praise;
    give thanks to him and praise his name.

For the Lord is good and his love endures forever;
    his faithfulness continues through all generations. (Psalm 100)


A Norvell Note © Copyright 2023 Tom Norvell All Rights Reserved

To follow updates on Junie, go here: welovejunieblue

For past articles, go here:  A Norvell Note.

Bringing Kindness to Our Relationships

  A Norvell Note

Vol. 27 No. 25                              For the week of June 26, 2023

Bringing Kindness to Our Relationships

We are hearing and reading a lot about kindness. The loss of kindness. The need for kindness. The value of kindness. And the desire to return to a time when kindness was every day. If we are to see a revival of a kinder world, it will begin with you, and I treat our family, friends, work associates, and strangers with kindness. 

I offer these as simple suggestions for bringing more kindness into our relationships.  

Listen. Listen first. Listen intently. Listen often. Listen without distractions. 

Call when you say you will. Visit when you say you will. Show up when you say you will. If you are running late, let your friends know. Be there when you need to. 

Do what you say you will. Be dependable. 

Say what you need to say, then stop.

Jesus said, “All you need to say is simply ‘Yes’ or ‘No’; anything beyond this comes from the evil one.” (Matthew 5:37)

I think these actions of kindness will improve our relationships and make our part of the world a better place. However, we won’t know until we try. 


A Norvell Note © Copyright 2023 Tom Norvell All Rights Reserved

To follow updates on Junie, go here: welovejunieblue

For past articles, go here:  A Norvell Note.

No More Goodbyes

  A Norvell Note

Vol. 27 No. 24                                     For the week of June 11, 2023

No More Goodbyes

I long for the day when I don’t have to say goodbye. 

I try to live and stay in the present, but the moments always end. I love my friends and family so much that it hurts when I am away from them, and I do my best to enjoy every moment I have with them. But time with them is never enough. 

I read Revelation 21:4 and try to imagine what it will be like when “He will wipe every tear from their (our) eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.” 

I try to imagine it but can only long for a day when I won’t have to say goodbye to my children, grandchildren, extended family, and friends. I can only long for the day when I don’t hear that another friend has died, attend another funeral, or hug someone, not knowing when or if I’ll ever see them again. 

I long for the day when there will be no more goodbyes. I don’t know what that will be like because goodbyes always come. Time with the people I love always comes to an end. Time together with family is never long enough. 

Father, forgive me for being discontent with the times you allowed me to be with my family and friends. I know You have them in Your loving arms and that You are with them when I am not. Thank you for putting them in my life, for the time I have had with them, and for the times I will have with them in this life and the next. I am grateful, but I still long for the day when I don’t have to say goodbye. 


A Norvell Note © Copyright 2023 Tom Norvell All Rights Reserved

To follow updates on Junie, go here: welovejunieblue

For past articles, go here:  A Norvell Note.

No Phone

Vol. 27 No. 23                                                       June 5, 2023

No Phone

While on vacation this week, my phone stopped working. It froze, and I could not get into it to do anything. I found someone to repair it, but in the meantime, I am on an island with no way to capture the scenic images around me. I have other tools that enable me to communicate with people when needed, but it’s not the same. However, I see some benefits. 

Not having a camera forces me to stay in the moment. Instead of trying to capture the moment of the moon reflecting off the ocean, I could watch it in real time. Instead of being concerned about saving the moment for the future, I simply enjoyed the moment. 

Instead of being concerned about catching the smile on one of my granddaughter’s faces, I simply enjoyed being close enough to see the smiles. 

Being camera-less allows me to focus on the ocean breeze, the waves crashing to the shore, and the sun setting over the mountains behind me. Instead of trying to preserve the moment, I enjoy the moment. 

Not having my phone in my pocket keeps me focused on the people right in front of me instead of our conversation being interrupted or diverted by the vibration or the ding from my phone. 

Don’t misunderstand; I am not anti-device. On the contrary, I appreciate the devices that make it possible to push a button and send a message, call a friend on the other side of the world, or press another button and share these Notes. The technological tools we have at our disposal are greatly appreciated, but the people I love and the world God has created are more important. 


A Norvell Note © Copyright 2023 Tom Norvell All Rights Reserved

To follow updates on Junie, go here: welovejunieblue

For past articles, go here:  A Norvell Note.