Now the Hard Part. Another Hard Part

A Norvell Note for September 19, 2021

Vol. 24 No. 37

Now the Hard Part. Another Hard Part

I’m (we are) just worn out. It’s all been challenging. Agonizing. Almost unbearable. There have been days when I’ve wondered if the emotions could be more intense, can the pain be any more stifling? But then, it got worse.

God’s constant presence, revealed through prayers, encouraging words, notes, cards, text messages, comments on social media, personal visits, and physical acts of kindness, has sustained us. Otherwise, we would have crumbled under the weight of pain and grief. (2 Corinthians 4:7-9)

Now comes the hard part. Another hard part.

Although nobody has said it, I hope you are not standing within arm’s reach if you feel the need to say it. But in my head and heart, I know the time is approaching to move forward without Norah. Just typing that sentence causes a collision within my heart and mind of four of what typically identify the five stages of grief: denial, depression, anger, and acceptance.

So, how? How do we move forward when we can hardly move?

My mind denies the reality that she is gone.

Waves of sadness and depression come as expected and sometimes entirely by surprise.

Anger wells up within me because our family must move forward without her.

Intellectually I have accepted that she is gone, but emotionally, that is something entirely different.

How do I move forward when there are days when I can hardly move?

Are we moving forward? It will happen. It is the hard part. Another hard part.

[Keep up with Norah’s updates at Tom on Facebook]

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