On This Day

Vol. 16 No. 13 | April 1, 2013


Father, on this day help me to allow the wisdom You have given me so that I will make, not only the right choices, but choices that demonstrate spiritual wisdom and choices that will produce spiritual fruit.

Father, on this day help me to surrender my will to Your will so that Your will is done in my life as it is in Heaven.

Father, on this day help me to allow Your Spirit to guide me resist temptation.

Father, on this day help me to seek Your Kingdom first and trust that You will provide for my all needs.

Father, on this day help me to trust that You will give me the strength to do all the things that I need to do today.

Father, on this day help me to know that You are aware of everything that is going on in the world and realize that You did not ask, and are not asking me to fix the wrongs nor to take credit for any of the rights.

Father, on this day help me to receive all the gifts You will make available to me with a grateful heart.

Father, on this day help me to keep Your teachings on love, compassion, kindness, and gentleness in the forefront of my mind as interact with people.

Father, on this day help me to rejoice with those who rejoice.

Father, on this day help me to mourn with those who mourn.

Father, on this day help me to receive any attacks that may be aimed toward me without retaliation.

Father, on this day help me to ignore comments and criticisms that are spoken to harm and discourage me.

Father, on this day help me to reject the lies that the prince of the darkness whispers in my ear or tries to plant in my mind.

Father, on this day help me to sense Your constant and abiding presence in every circumstance.

Father, on this day help me to speak when I need to speak.

Father, on this day help me to be silent when I need to be silent.

Father, on this day help me to simply listen to those who need to be heard without comment or instruction or correction or judgment.

Father, on this day help me to forgive anyone who has harmed me.

Father, on this day help me to release any ill will toward another human being that I may be holding on to.

Father, on this day help me to express my gratitude to every person who does a good deed to me or around me.

Father, on this day help me to look for opportunities to do good and ask for nothing in return.

Father, on this day help me to hear Your voice above all other voices that I will hear, and to heed what you say.

Father, on this day help me to think not only of my own interests but also the interests of others.

Father, on this day help me to think on things that are true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent and praiseworthy.

Father, on this day help me to let Your gentleness be evident to all so they will know that You are near.

Father, on this day help me to overlook little and insignificant things that people do that annoy me…remembering that I do little and insignificant things probably annoy them as well.

Father, on this day help me to be a person that people enjoy spending time with.

Father, on this day help me to be the husband, the father, the father-in-law, the grandfather, the brother, the friend, the teacher, the preacher, the counselor, the writer that You created and gifted me to be.

Father, on this day help me to follow You in such a way that when others see me they will see You.

Father, on this day when I fail to do any one or all of these things to remember that You still love me, to ask for Your forgiveness, to accept Your forgiveness, and to know that if I wake up tomorrow You will give me the opportunity to start over and hopefully do better than I did today.


© Copyright 2013 Tom Norvell. All rights reserved.

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