I Continue To Pray

Vol. 16 No. 19 | May 13, 2013

6519A light snow was falling in Richmond, Virginia the day the doctor confirmed that we were going to have another baby. At that point we were not sure if we were having a boy or a girl. From early on one sweet woman from our church assured us that this would be a girl. She was right. When the doctor welcomed Laura Lee into the world tears of joy flowed down my face. When I held her in my arms for the first time I prayed: “Father, thank You for this beautiful baby girl. Help her to learn Your ways, help her to know Your love, and help me release her into Your care when it is time to let her go.”

The first day of school was hard. I drove to the school for the first time, pulled into the drop-off lane, made certain the card with her name and her teacher’s name card was securely draped around her neck, kissed her, said, “I love you,” opened her door, and watched her walk toward the door and I cried. As I drove away from the school I prayed: “Father, thank You for this beautiful little girl. Help her to learn Your ways, help her to know Your love, and help me release her into Your care when it is time to let her go.”

Later on she learned to swim and started to compete. She swam like a fish, only sweeter. She won some races and received a few awards. She was praised by her coach. I watched from the side of the pool as she dove in, swam her laps and hopped out of the pool with a look of “I did it!” on her face. As she learned to compete I prayed: “Father, thank You for this beautiful little girl. Help her to learn Your ways, help her to know Your love, and help me release her into Your care when it is time to let her go.”

We rode our bikes through the neighborhoods, we walked the trails of the parks, we were introduced to sleep-overs, and learned more about letting her become her own person. With each new adventure I prayed: “Father, thank You for this beautiful little girl. Help her to learn Your ways, help her to know Your love, and help me release her into Your care when it is time to let her go.”

She needed surgery. We discussed the options. We pondered the limitations. We greeted the doctor and nurses, hugged her, told her we loved her. As we watched them roll her away I prayed: “Father, thank You for this beautiful young girl. Help her to learn Your ways, help her to know Your love, and help me release her into Your care on days like this when it is time to let her go.”

She continued to grow and mature and we were introduced to high school sports, cheerleading, and the high drama of relationships. Every time she walked out the door I prayed: “Father, thank You for this beautiful young girl. Help her to learn Your ways, help her to know Your love, and help me release her into Your care when it is time to let her go.”

She finished high school, walked across the stage, we drove her to college, moved her in the dorm, kissed her goodbye, said, “I love you,” and left her there. As we drove away I prayed: “Father, thank You for this beautiful young person. Help her to learn Your ways, help her to know Your love, and help me release her into Your care each time it is time to let her go.”

She waited as God prepared a man to be her husband, they married, and I pronounced them husband and wife. As they drove away. I prayed: “Father, thank You for this beautiful young woman. Help her to learn Your ways, help her to know Your love, and help me release her into Your care each time it is time to let her go.”

She has completed her college education, ready to start her life as a nurse, and she and her husband are preparing to make their first move to a new community with the prayerful hope of making a difference. She is strong. She is beautiful. She is determined. She is wise. She loves God and cannot wait to see Jesus. At the end of each visit, and many times in between, I continue to pray: “Father, thank You for this beautiful young woman. Help her to learn Your ways, help her to know Your love, and help me release her into Your care each time it is time to let her go.”


© Copyright 2013 Tom Norvell. All rights reserved.


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