The Importance of Listening

Vol. 17 No. 03 | January 18, 2015
6724Six times in the gospels Jesus is recorded saying, “Whoever has ears, let them hear.” (Matthew 11:15, 13:9, 43; Mark 4:9; Luke 8:8; 14:35) Whether giving specific instructions or telling a story His message was the same, “Whoever has ears to hear, let them hear.” This is good advice when listening to Jesus and good advice in every day living.

If you had only listened to the warning signs you might not have taken that job that required so much of you that you neglected your family.

If you had only listened to the doctor’s advice you would have taken better care of yourself and maybe you would not be so sick and experiencing poor health today.

If you had only listened to your parents when they warned you about some of your friends, you might not have gotten pulled into some of the compromising situations.

If you had only listened to your friends when they warned you about that guy you were dating you might not have gotten into the mess you did with him.

If you had only listened to everything the salesman was saying you would not have gotten suckered into that deal that sounded too good to be true.

If you had only listened to your boss you would have known more about the customer and might have made the sale.

If you had only listened to your mentor you could have avoided many of the mistakes you have made and would be further along in your career.

If you had only listened to your coach you might have gotten that scholarship and played in college like you had dreamed of doing.

If you had only listened to your college advisor you would have graduated on time and might have gotten that job you really wanted instead of feeling stuck where you are.

If you had only listened to Spirit when you sensed He was speaking to you would have followed His nudge and stopped and talked that lady you rode in the elevator with, and would have asked her, “Are you okay? Can I help?”

If you had only listened to the Word when you were reading you would have understood the point the other guy was making and not jumped to such an outlandish judgment.

If you had only listened to the Lord when you felt He was calling your to follow the passion of your heart you might be living the dream in the mission field.

If you had only listened to your heart instead of always doing what seemed to be the safest and most practical route you might not be hounded by so many regrets in your life today.

If you had only listened instead of planning what you were going to say when they stopped talking you might have realized that you had much more in common than you thought you did.

If you had only listened you might not be reading this and thinking about those times you wish you had listened.

James said it like this, “My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, 20 because human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires.” (James 1:19-20, NIV)

If you had only listened…

“Whoever has ears to hear, let them hear.”


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