What Are You Waiting For Church?

Vol. 17 No. 06 | February 9, 2015

Jesus came to seek and save the lost. What are you waiting for church?

The world is looking for good news. You have it. What are you waiting for church?

There are children in your neighborhood who need food, clothing, someone to take care of them after school, someone to show them the love of Christ. Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me.” What are you waiting for church?

There are couples in your community who need help with their marriage. They need someone to help them learn what it means to love their spouse as Christ loved the church. They do not know how because they have never seen a living example. What are you waiting for church?

There are parents in your community who are struggling with the overwhelming responsibility of rearing their children. They need guidance on how to be good guides for their children. What are you waiting for, church?

There widows in your community who have no one to call when their pipes freeze, their car does not start, or when they are sick and need a ride to the doctor’s office. When the sun goes down they have no one to talk to, to watch tv with, or to tell they are lonely. What are you waiting for church?

There are widowers in your community who spend day after day all alone because they have never had to ask for help so they don’t know how. They are still healthy and enjoy having fun as much as they ever did, but no one ever invites them out to dinner, or to go with them to a movie, or to come for a home cooked meal. What are you waiting for church?

There are homeless people in your community who need a little help getting back on their feet. They are not looking for a free ride. They are willing to work. They do not want to live on the street or in a shelter. They would enjoy having a real conversation about life, family, politics, the economy, religion, maybe even your faith. What are you waiting for church?

There are young men in your community who need a father figure in their life. They have questions about girls, getting an education, being a good employee, and how to be a godly man. They are interested in goals you had at their age, and how you have achieved the them. What are you waiting for church?

There are likely people in your community who struggle with drug addictions, alcohol addictions, sexual additions, sexual identity issues, some may be involved in sexual exploitation of various forms, some struggle with eating disorders, some struggle due to sexual abuse, or have anger issues. Some of them want help, but the last place they would think of turning to for help is a church. We can do better. What are you waiting for church?

There are neighborhoods in your community that need to be cleaned up, playgrounds that need to be repaired, and buildings that could use a little paint. There are businesses that need your support. There are public servants who need to know you support them. What are you waiting for, church?

There are young ladies in your community who are pregnant and have no idea what to do or where to go. They are scared. They feel terribly alone. They feel abandoned and overwhelmed by the thought of taking care of themselves, and cannot imagine taking care of another human being. They need support, they need guidance, and they need to be loved just as they are. What are you waiting for church?


© Copyright 2015 Tom Norvell. All rights reserved.

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