Life Between the Interruptions

Vol. 17 No. 19 | May 11, 2015

Unknown-1It seems that a major part of what is required to get through life involves learning how to live as much life as possible between the interruptions and distractions.

For example, you have a day set aside to work in your office complete a project, research and set deadlines for new projects, and get through the paperwork that has piled up over the last few weeks. You are making head way and feeling good about the day, when a customer calls with a problem that must be handled immediately.

On another day you start out on a routine trip to visit a family member. You leave ahead of schedule. Traffic is moving along smoothly. You are making great time, then suddenly your car stops. You use all your mechanical by raising the hood and looking intently at the engine. Two-and-a-half-hours later you are back on the road.

You are cruising through life. Your career is going well. Your family is healthy. You have money in the bank. You live in a great neighborhood. You have good neighbors and are well respected in the community. One day it all changes. Your wife goes in for a routine checkup. The results are far from routine. It’s cancer. Your whole world is turned upside down.

You have your future planned out exactly how you want to go. Your retirement portfolio is looking great. You are moving up the corporate ladder by leaps and bounds. You are rocking and rolling! Then, your company is purchased and your department is downsized. You were blindsided and devastated.

Your own story would sound very similar. You know the disappointment. You understand the feeling of devastation. You have had your confidence replaced with fear. So, what do you do? How do you recover? Every situation is different so I will not attempt tell how to live your life, but I will offer a few suggestions on how to make the most of life between the interruptions.

Accept that interruptions and distractions will come. Interruptions and distractions will come. Expect them. Accept them. If possible, as best as you can, plan for them. They happen. Accept that they happen.

Realize that some of life’s greatest blessings show up disguised as interruptions and distractions. God loves to surprise us by taking what initially looks like the worst thing that could possibly happen and turning it into an amazing blessing. I do not know how He does it. I do not have an explanation for why He does things like He does them. But, I know He does them. When the interruptions and distractions come look for the good that may be hiding behind the bad. If you find it, enjoy being surprised.

Understand that being interrupted and distracted does not necessarily have to ruin your day. If you allow it to the interruption can send you into a foul mood and wreck your entire day. If you allow it the distractions can mess up any chance of finding any joy in your day. That can happen but it does not necessarily have to happen. You can control your attitude. You can determine if your day is ruined or if it is salvageable.

There is no doubt that there will be days when you are interrupted from what you have determined the important stuff of your day. It is just as certain that there will be times when you set your sites on a plan and direction for your day, your week, or your life and something will get you off track. It is in those moments between the interruptions and distractions that determine the end result of a day or a life. Consider well what you do and how you respond and do your best to make the most of your life between the interruptions.


A Norvell Note © Copyright 2015. Tom Norvell All Rights Reserved.

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