Delighted To Share Our Lives

Vol. 17 No. 36 | September 7, 2015

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In a section of teaching to the Thessalonian Christians (1 Thessalonians) Paul is describes his ministry. Typical in his writing he begins by expressing his love for them and offering his encouraging praise of their faithfulness to the Lord’s teaching and for the lives that have been formed from that relationship. In chapter two he share some of his personality as he describes the way he ministered to this “chosen” group.

In chapter 2, verse 8 he says, “We loved you so much that we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well, because you were so dear to us.” This passage and a sequence of recent reminders bring to mind those God has placed in my life who loved me so much, that they shared not only the gospel of God with me but were delighted to share their lives with me as well.

There are those people in my family who prayed for me in my early years, before I even knew them, that God would “deliver me from evil” and lead me in the ways of righteousness. When I was way to young and uninformed to grasp or appreciate it they were committed to pour into me words of life and hope and love and peace. As I grew they began to share their lives with me as well.

I see the faces of men and women who took the time to listen to my struggles, understand my fears and doubts, and tolerate my shortcomings. They apparently saw something in me they thought was worth nurturing. They shared with me the Truth, but they also were delighted to share their lives.

I hear the voices of men and women who cared enough about me that they talked with me honestly and at time brutally words that kept me on the right path and seeking things deeper than the things on the service. They were not afraid to confront me, nor were they hesitant to accept me.

I remember conversations where men and women shared wisdom gained through facing challenges, overcoming obstacles and holding true to their promises. They generously shared their life experiences and offered assurance hope for moving forward.

I feel the hands that were placed on my shoulder by men and women expressing their concern for me, comforting me, and reminding me that I am never alone. They shared their lives with me because I was so dear to them.
Now, it is my turn. What I have received needs to be passed on to those who are following in my footsteps. The words that encouraged me and helped shape my life need to be shared with those who need encouragement and are trying to find their place in the Kingdom.

Because I was so dear to them they were delighted to share their lives with me. Because there were people who considered me so dear to them they were delighted to share ideas, experiences, wisdom and understanding from their lives that have proven to be invaluable to me. Now, because there are people who are so dear to me, I am delighted to share my life, ideas, experiences, wisdom and understanding that hopefully will prove invaluable to other.

I am thankful for those who considered me dear to them, and I am thankful that the Lord has placed people in my life who are very dear to me and that causes me to be delighted to share my life.


A Norvell Note © Copyright 2015. Tom Norvell All Rights Reserved.

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