Always Room for One More

Vol. 20 No. 20 | May 14, 2018

One of my favorite places to sit in the worship assembly is three or four rows behind the teenagers. I like to watch how they communicate with each other and their reactions to things that happen on stage. My intention isn’t to spy on them. I just like observing them interact, and they’ve made me realize something.

The Kingdom of God is like a pew full of teenagers in the assembly.

Here is the usual scenario. As the worship team prepares to lead the sermon, a group of students scurry in to take a seat in their unofficially designated section. There is usually a bit of shuffling around so she can sit with her friend and he can sit with his. They hug, they high five, they shake hands, and they give affirming pats on the back.

Just as they are settling in, another friend approaches the already packed pew. Despite the fact that they’re squeezed together as tightly as possible, they all scrunch together even closer to make room for one more.

As it is with teenagers, so it is with the Kingdom of God: There is always room for one more.

Unfortunately, there are exceptions. Just this week, I listened to a man tell me his disappointing experience with his study group. He had been a member for several years. In fact, he helped start it. But when he missed a few sessions due to poor health, no one checked in on him or expressed any concern for his absence. I lamented with him and I hoped this was an exception rather than the rule.

Some people get overlooked, left out, or feel excluded. And some groups are guilty of exclusiveness or fail to notice when a member is missing. But thankfully, I haven’t found this to be the case with the majority of student groups I’ve known.

This is not the way of the Kingdom of God.

The Kingdom of God functions with open arms. The Kingdom of God is inclusive. The Kingdom of God does not say, “Sit somewhere else. There’s no room for you here.” The Kingdom of God does not imply this seat is saved for someone else. The Kingdom of God says, “Sure, we have plenty of room.”

My heart is refreshed when I see a group of high schoolers who understand and live in the Kingdom. If you are a leader in such a group, thank you for what you do. If you are a member of such a group, thank you for letting God shape you into His image and for spreading His message: there is always room for one more.

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