I Think That’s Real Love

Vol. 21 No. 01 | January 7, 2019

A young man went to an older and wiser man and askes: “How do you know you really love someone? How does it feel when you really love someone?”

The older and wiser man looked at the young man, paused, pondered, and finally answered.

To young man’s great surprise, the older and wiser man started singing,

Some say, “Love. It is a river
That drowns the tender reed.”
Some say, “Love. It is a razor
That leaves your soul to bleed.”
Some say, “Love. It is a hunger,
An endless aching need.”
I say, “Love. It is a flower,
And you its only seed.”

Once they stopped laughing he said, some say love is a decision not a feeling.

Others would say love is a choice.

Then he said, someone has said you know you really love someone when you feel you are feeling a feeling you feel you’ve never felt before!

Needless to say, the young man is still very confused…maybe even before he asked the question.

Then, the older and wiser man spoke again and said, “Well, Jesus said this: ‘This is my command: Love one another the way I loved you. This is the very best way to love. Put your life on the line for your friends.’” (John 15:12-13, The Message)

The young man listened intently looking off into the distance.

Then the older and wiser man spoke again and said, “If you really love someone you will know what is best for that person, and you will do it, or become it, or help them do it.” Then, he paused and with a very serious tone said, “Even when it is painful for you and it’s not what you really want to do.”

After letting that thought sink in the younger man said, “Can you give me some examples?”

The older and wiser man said, “Well, remember when you were young and you and your little brother got into a fight because you both wanted the same toy and eventually, even though you wanted it really bad, you let your little brother have it. I think that is real love.”

He thought a little longer and said, “Remember when in high school and you and your best friend were trying out for the lead role in the school. You wanted it really bad, but it seemed mean so much to your friend that you withdrew and let him get the lead. I think that’s real love.” 

Then he said, “Do you remember when you were growing up and your Dad would get up early in the morning and head off the work, some days he came home late and tired, but he almost always made it to your games and special things you were involved in? And do you remember how your mother worked as well and still was able to be home for you when you needed her to be and did everything, she could to make sure you had anything you needed? I think that’s real love.

Then he said, “Think about this young lady you are in love with. What happens when the two you disagree with each other some big decision?”

The young questioner said, “Well, we talk about it. Consider all the options as best we can, then we make a decision on what is best for us as a couple, and that’s what we do even if it’s not necessarily what I want or she wants. We try to do what is best for us.”

The older and wiser man smiled and said, “I think that’s real love.” “And, if you are ready to keep doing…even when it really difficult, you will do well.”

Then, the older and wiser man said, “Jesus knew that we were all in need of a Savior, a way to live beyond our sinful human nature, so He came to earth, lived for a while and then went through all He went through with the limitations of a human, and finally died on a cross to free us from our sins. I think that is real love.”


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