Get Your Head Out of Your Bible

Vol. 21 No. 09 | March 4, 2019

Some people stopped reading when they saw this week’s title. So since you’re still here, let me explain.

Fairly early in Jesus’s ministry, it became clear that most of His teachings were directly opposed to the laws and beliefs of the times. Jesus was spreading a way of understanding and following God that was new and different… words that don’t sit well with those imposing strict rules and traditions.

The way Jesus treated people was vastly different than the other leaders of his time. He was kind, compassionate, and loving, demonstrating that the people being ruled mattered more than the rules themselves. And, He was criticized repeatedly for it.

We read about one such occasion in thefifth chapter of John. Jesus healed a man on the Sabbath, which was “against the rules.” And so the drama began… The man was questioned and criticized, and then Jesus was questioned and criticized.

So, Jesus decided to play along, criticizing them for not recognizing who He was.

You study the Scriptures diligently because you think that in them you have eternal life. These are the very Scriptures that testify about me, yet you refuse to come to me to have life. (John 5:39-40, NIV)

I enjoy the message inherent in His words:

“You constantly have your heads in your Bibles, thinking you’ll find eternal life there. But you are missing the forest for the trees. These Scriptures are about me– the person standing right in front of you who could give you the life you say you want.

Sometimes I read this and want to jump up and shout (in my self-righteous voice), “You go Jesus! Put them in their place!”

Then, I remember the time when…

I was preparing a sermon and someone came to my door needing to talk. I explained to her that I was busy doing God’s work and didn’t have time to solve her problems too. She understood, of course, and apologized for bothering me.

Then there was the time…

I was preparing for an important meeting and a co-worker came to ask if I could help him with a problem. I reminded him that I was leading a discussion that could determine the future of our church. Mending his discouraged spirit would have to wait. Of course, he understood and said he’d pray for the meeting.

And one time…

I was scanning emails to see if there was anything urgent I needed to deal with. I came across a message from a woman concerned about her husband’s health. I quickly replied that she was in my thoughts and prayers and moved on to next. I’m sure she appreciated me taking the time out of my busy schedule to respond.

These are just three of many examples when my head was so buried in my Bible, I forgot to actually use it (both my head AND the Bible).

Of course, I’m not encouraging you to stop studying your Bible. But I am encouraging you to do more than just read the words inside. Stop reading for long enough to ask your friend sitting across the table how he is really doing, or talk to the widow who comes to church every week, or reach out to the family you haven’t seen for awhile and tell them they are missed.

The Bible contains the very words of life. But if we don’t give them life, then that is all they will ever be.

So this week, let’s bring the word of God to life.


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