He Just Knew

Vol. 21 No. 11 | March 18, 2019

The tree outside my window that is just starting to show the first signs of renewal after a longer, barren winter. The brown grass in the surrounding fields is transitioning back to its rich, green color. And the birds that have been relatively silent for months are once again singing in full chorus.

It never ceases to amaze me how nature just knows when the time is right. There is nothing we can do to rush or delay the seasons- force flowers to bloom when the ground is too cold or coax animals out of hibernation before the time is right.

Nature just knows what to do when the time is right.

We too, have this gift that is as inherent in us as it is in nature. It’s starts in the womb- infants instinctively know when the time is right to come into the world, just as new mothers know what to do to care for them. 

And our instincts aren’t just restricted to physical aspects. If we allow ourselves to listen, truly listen, we will receive guidance on how and when to act (or not to) when the time is right- whether it’s the moment we realize our true calling or that deep sense of knowing when we have found our life partner.

Yet even though our instincts (or intuition) are natural doesn’t mean the process of trusting and action on them is easy…to the contrary.

No matter what phase of life we are in, knowing when it’s time to make a change or go in a different direction can be nerve-wracking. But actually taking the first steps in that new direction can be terrifying.

We have to relinquish our control, risk making mistakes, or worse, failing. We have to resist letting our insecurities and fears take the reigns. They will inevitably leave us paralyzed, stuck in the place we know we no longer belong.

But how do we know for sure? How do we know if we should trust our intuition?

When I find myself doubting myself- struggling with important decisions and anxious about taking action- I remember how Jesus responded when he was pushed to reveal his true identity.

“This isn’t my time. Don’t push me.” (John 2) “It’s not the right time.” (John 7) But later, He knew it was the right time.

On the final and climactic day of the Feast, Jesus took his stand. He cried out, “If anyone thirsts, let him come to me and drink. Rivers of living water will brim and spill out of the depths of anyone who believes in me this way, just as the Scripture says.” (He said this in regard to the Spirit, whom those who believed in him were about to receive. The Spirit had not yet been given because Jesus had not yet been glorified.) (John 7:37-38, The Message)

But how did He know?

I think the explanation is obvious, just as it is in nature.

He was listening. He was attuned to what the Father was telling Him and trusted He would know what to do when the time was right.

And He did.

He knew when it was time to speak, and He knew what to say and how to say it. He also knew His actions would lead Him to the cross…and He trusted this was all a part of God’s plan.

I don’t know who deserves credit for these words, but they describe the person I long to be:

“A spiritual person is a person who does the right thing, at the right time, in the right way, with the right spirit.”

I’m not there yet…but know I will be.


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