A When-Will-This-Happen-Again Event

Vol. 21 No. 27 | July 8, 2019

It was one of those “when-will-this-happen-again” family events.

Scheduled around the 4th of July, we were able to get my two brothers and our spouses; our four sons and one daughter and their spouses; and our thirteen grandchildren, all together in one room.

It took a good amount of effort to schedule, time and money to travel, and gracious hospitality. But it was worth it. For a few hours we were all together for good food, heartfelt conversations, and fellowship of the richest kind.

I came away with these reflections.

Family gatherings take effort. A few weeks earlier, none of us would have thought a gathering like this was even possible. But someone had the idea, shared it with the rest of us, and everyone agreed to make it happen.

Modern technology and transportation offer us opportunities and adventures that make it easy to keep in close contact with our loved ones. But to be face-to-face with them requires intentional action.

Time passes quickly. Some of us had not seen each other in years, and some of the children are almost unrecognizable compared to the younger images that were etched in our minds. It’s feasible that some of them will be adults and have children before we see them again. Time passes quickly and we have to take advantage of these opportunities when we have them.

Family gatherings also remind us of those who are missing. We try not to dampen the spirit of being together or drift into nostalgic melancholy, but it is difficult to avoid. As I watched our children and grand-girls interact with my siblings’ children and grandchildren, I could not help but think that our sister would have enjoyed this. I also thought of my parents and wondered if they had any idea what would evolve out of their union so many years ago.

I love my family. I have been blessed by my family. Memories like we created this weekend motivate me to live in a way that reflects the values and traditions of our family. I realize that not everyone is as fortunate as I am to have grown up with and enjoy the family I have.

I also know, for those who don’t have a close family, that it may not be too late. I believe it is possible to develop and nurture your own healthy, happy family if you are intentional and invest in doing what it takes to cultivate one.

This is my hope, that one day you will see your family flourish and enjoy one another. It takes effort. It takes time. But it will be worth it.


Tom Norvell’s Coaching & Counseling


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