God Moves

A Norvell Note 2020 

Vol. 22 No. 07 | February 17, 2020

“God moves in a mysterious way. His wonders to perform;” 

These first two hymn lines, written by William Cowper in 1774, are often quoted when an amazing, unexpected event is happening, has happened, or is about to happen. 

A couple prays for years to be blessed with a child, but nothing happens. They finally stop all the tests and procedures and accept that they will never have a child of their own. A month later, she finds out she’s pregnant. 

Every night, the parents call their estranged son, praying he will answer. They finally decide to start clearing out his room, believing he will never return. That night, he calls them and asks to come home. 

The church congregation is making great strides in building a large community of rich fellowship, despite one influential leader’s efforts to spread gossip and negativity. But eventually, the leader’s toxicity spreads. And just as he is about to succeed at pitting one group of members against the other, he’s unexpectedly transferred to another state for his job. 

After a long dry season, the man wonders if God is hearing his prayers. He tries desperately to hang on to hope, but the despair continues. The uncertainty and frustration escalate to the point of unbearable, when suddenly, the unexpected happens; the door opens, letting in light and opportunities beyond what he could have ever hoped for. 

God moves in a mysterious way, His wonders to perform

God moves in ways that we can’t always see or understand. But let there be no doubt, He is always moving for you. 

If you are enduring a season of disappointment and discouragement, remember, God still moves. If your prayers seem to be unheard and unanswered, remember, God moves and His wonders He will perform.

A Norvell Note © Copyright 2020 Tom Norvell All Rights Reserved

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