It Starts with Me

Vol. 22 No. 23            June 15, 2020

I have many questions, but few answers. I see many problems, but few solutions. I have some level of influence and insight, but not enough to calm the fears, relieve the pain, or reduce the level of anger that exists in our world. 

I cannot change all the things that need to be changed, but there is one thing I know; change starts with me. 

It starts with me, loving my neighbor as myself.

It starts with me, treating my wife with love and respect.

It starts with loving my children and grandgirls and helping them see Jesus in my words and actions.

It starts with me walking across the street to meet my new neighbor and being kind and thoughtful to those who live around me.  

It starts with taking a deep breath before I react to a person not wearing a mask at the gas pump next to me.

It starts with going beyond good intentions and doing what I know I need to do.

It starts with me listening instead of trying to prove my point and keeping my mouth closed when I want to speak unkindly.

It starts with me speaking up, even when it’s more comfortable to be silent. 

It starts with me, expressing the joy in being alive, even when joy is hard to find…especially when joy is hard to find.

It starts with me, following the instructions from the prophet: 

He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. (Micah 6:8)

It starts with me treating others how I want to be treated. 

It starts with allowing God’s Spirit to more fully develop love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Because against such things there is no law. (Galatians 5)

It starts with remembering this truth:

 Whoever claims to live in him must live as Jesus did. (1John 2:6) 

I realize there are changes that must occur in our political structures, social systems, and institutions that may be beyond my scope of influence. But change must come.  

And that change starts with me. 

 A Norvell Note © Copyright 2020 Tom Norvell All Rights Reserved

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