The Life We Are Given

A Norvell Note for the week of October 19, 2020
Vol. 23 No. 29
The Life We Are Given

I have read and re-read these closing lines from Pàdraig Ò Tuama’s Morning Prayer[1] several times in the last couple of months.

May we love the life that we are given,God be with us.

My initial response was: “Are you serious? During a pandemic with no end in sight? During this election season? During this season of my life?”

When I pause and reflect on my life and my response changes.The Creator of the Universe loves me, forgives me of all my sins, and promises to walk with me through this life.

I am sixty-seven years old and in relatively good health. I just had my annual physical, so some of the numbers needed to be improved, but overall, there were no significant concerns.

I am married to the same woman I married over forty-four years ago, and despite her being married to me for forty-four years, putting up with all my flaws and failures, she says and shows me daily that she still loves me. We are still growing and having fun.

I have two beautiful adult children who have found wonderful spouses, have given us six grandchildren, and they love the Lord and serve Him with passion and graciousness.

I have a good job that enables me to use my God-given skills to help people.
I have an extended family with a rich tradition of faith and faithfulness that makes me feel grateful and proud of my heritage.I have an abundance of friends, many of whom would do anything within their power to help me if I need it.

I live in a lovely house, cool in the summer and warm in the winter and dry when it rains, in a nice neighborhood, two cars in a garage that I can use for my cars. I have more clothes than I can wear and more food than I need to eat. We have two cats that are a delight to watch as they grow and play. I am still able to mow my grass, walk for an hour 3-4 times a week. I have more television stations and programs than I can watch and technology that allows me to communicate with people anywhere in the world in a matter of seconds.

Although I probably failed to name a few things that make this a good life, my time of reflection is ample to help me admit that something is wrong with me if I don’t love this life.

Thank you, God, for giving me life and for giving me this life. I love this life, and I hope to show it by allowing You to live in me and through me.

“I came so they can have real and eternal life, more and better life than they ever dreamed of.” (John 10:10, The Message)

May we love the life that we are given, God be with us.

A Norvell Note © Copyright 2020 Tom Norvell All Rights Reserved

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[1] Ò Tuama, Pàdraig. Daily Prayer with the Corrymeela Community: London. 2017.

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