A Different Time

A Norvell Note for the week of November 16, 2020

Vol. 23 No. 33

A Different Time

An Old Testament wisdom book says: “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens.”

The writer expands that thought by listing life’s cycles, and that change is inevitable.

We know change is inevitable, don’t we? We’ve all experienced the expected changes in life.  When we become an adult, we share specific changes. Choosing to marry or not marry brings definite changes. Having a child changes just about everything. Then, navigating the stages our children go through brings change that never seems to end.

Change is a part of living. I have been called a “change agent” on more than one occasion (not issued as a compliment). And, yes, sometimes I change things just for the sake of change. The changes we have experienced in the last nine months have surpassed anything we could have imagined or can comprehend. Life is very different than what we knew a relatively short time ago.

The way we shop is different.

The way we eat is different.

The way we travel is different.

Healthcare is different.

The way we communicate is different.

How we celebrate holidays is different.

The way we dress is different.

The way we do our jobs is different.

The way we engage in the education process is different.

The way we vote is different.

The way we exercise and enjoy sporting events is different. (The Master’s in November.)

The way we experience death and grief is different.

We are learning to change how we handle change.

Let me offer this counsel on piloting these forced changes.

Accept the fact that life is different. Regardless of how we feel about it, life is different. The world is different. Almost everything is different.

If possible, try to stay focused on the present. Try not to dwell too long on the way it was or what may or may not be in the future. Try to accept the fact that these changes have occurred. Acceptance is key.

As often as you can, pause, close your eyes, take a deep breath, and think about the things that have not changed. God is still God. People need respect, kindness, gentleness, mercy, and love. You always have the opportunity and ability to show them respect, kindness, gentleness, understanding, and love. We have changed by the changes, but you are still you. Keep being you.

Today will bring more changes, and you can help others adjust. You can offer a listening ear or a kind word. You can give a gentle touch and be a comforting presence.

There is a time for everything, and now is the time for you to change a life.

A Norvell Note © Copyright 2020 Tom Norvell All Rights Reserved


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