Let There Be Peace on Earth

A Norvell Note forthe week of December 21, 2020

Vol. 23 No. 38

Let There Be Peace on Earth

“Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me.”[i]

That peace on earth could be achievable addresses a common longing in this season of confusion, unrest, distress, and grief. That I play a role in bringing peace to the world is both challenging and inspiring.

So, I’ve asked myself, how can I help bring about peace on earth? Here are a few discoveries.

Recognizing that I have a role in creating peace on earth is the first step. Just praying for peace does not make it happen. Wishing for peace does not make it so. We will never progress toward peace until I recognize and accept that peace does indeed begin with me.

When I notice people, peace can begin. Peace begins when I acknowledge the homeless on the sidewalk and in the intersection, the dying patient under my care, the family waiting for good news, and my co-workers. The friends in my circle, the prodigal standing at my door or facing me in the mirror, and the people sitting around your table need to know I see them and appreciate their existence.

Peace will come when I listen. When I listen to my spouse, my children, my closest friends, peace can begin. When I listen to the stranger, peace can begin. When I listen to my enemy, peace can begin. When I listen to my client, peace can begin. Listen to their story. When I listen to myself, and when I listen to the Lord, peace can begin. When I listen, truly listen, not just to the words, but to the heart, peace can begin.

When I talk to people, peace can begin. When I speak with them, not down to them, and not about them, peace can begin. Peace can start when I talk to the person in front of me or on the other end of a telephone conversation; or in one of the Zoom meeting windows. When I speak with humility, respect, kindness, and gentleness, peace can begin. Talk with them to learn about them, not just wait for an opportunity to talk about myself.

Peace is possible in our homes, in our workplace, and in this world, and yes, it does begin with me. So, let there be peace on earth.

“Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me.” Take time and enjoy the song and video: Let There Be Peace on Earth

“Glory to God in the highest,
And on earth peace, goodwill toward men!” (Luke 2:14)

A Norvell Note © Copyright 2020 Tom Norvell All Rights Reserved

[i] “Let There Be Peace on Earth” was initially written in 1955 for the International Children’s Choir by Jill Jackson-Miller and Sy Miller.

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