A Water Bottle

A Norvell Note for May 2, 2022

Vol. 26 No. 18

A Water Bottle

And if anyone gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones who is my disciple, truly I tell you, that person will certainly not lose their reward.” (Matthew 10:42)

The lady was standing on the median at a traffic light on a busy street on a sweltering day. She was holding a cardboard sign that read, “Lost my job. Need help! Please.” I sat at the light on my comfortable air-conditioned car, reached for a water bottle, rolled down the window, and offered it to her. “Oh, thank you. God bless you.” It was just a bottle of water.

He stopped by my office and shared his story. It was not a new story. I had heard many versions of the same story before. He needed money to get back home, and he wanted gas money, and he promised to send me the money when he got settled. I gave him $10. ($10 would buy more gas then than it will today.) The man thanked me “from the bottom of his heart” and promised to repay me. It was only $10.

I was a college student when my dad died. I went home for the weekend and the funeral. Several of my friends made the five-to-six-hour drive to be with me for the funeral. When I thanked them, they made it seem like no big deal. But, of course, it was a big deal! To me, it meant the world. 

Earlier that same weekend, the preacher from the church came to our house to visit. With soft and gentle encouraging words, he shook my hand as he was leaving and in his hand was a generous check with a notation “for Thomas Norvell.”

Those are just a few stories of how a small action or gift – a cup of cold water – made a significant difference in the life of a single individual. Of course, none of these actions or gifts were substantial, nor did they get much attention. But they made a difference. 

This week try to find something you can do for someone to make their day better. You may not change their whole world, but you can change it one day for one person. Pay for the customer’s order behind you at Starbucks. Donate to a fund to help someone. Take time to listen to someone. If nothing else, keep a bottle of water in your car. It will make a difference.

Please pray for

A Norvell Note © Copyright 2022 Tom Norvell All Rights Reserved

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