A Norvell Note

September 5, 2022 – Vol. 26 No. 26

A Refreshing Pause

Some of you noticed I took a break from writing A Norvell Note for a couple of months, some of you didn’t. As I took time to rest from writing and spent time reflecting on life, God reminded me of a few realities that I sometimes ignore.

God reminded me that writing is something that is something I enjoy. 

This is not a discovery, taking a couple of months off reminded me that writing is a blessing, not a burden. I enjoy the challenge, and the reward, of taking thoughts in my head and putting them on paper or a computer screen. Sometimes they are shared, many times they are only for the Lord and me.

God reminded me that writing is something I need to do. If the words help someone else, that’s good. If no one else ever reads my words, that’s okay. I write because I need to write. Writing helps me understand life, gives me occasional insights into who God is, and how He is shaping me to be like His son, and it helps me understand me, the people around me, and the world. 

God reminded me that sometimes I need to take a break. Coca-Cola© once used the phrase “The Pause that Refreshes” to advertise their product. From time to time, we all need to pause, reflect, regroup, and get refreshed. When I experience the rejuvenation, restoration, and refreshment that comes because of time away from the routine makes me wonder why it’s so hard for us to surrender to taking a pause. 

After all, it was Jesus who said, Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” (Matthew 11:28-30)

When was the last time you took a refreshing pause from tasks that you love to do? Maybe you don’t need two months. Maybe you just need an afternoon, or a weekend away?  Maybe you would go crazy if you took a long break, but would the world fall apart if you took a lunch break? Are you weary? Have you lost passion for something you once loved? Maybe you need a refreshing pause.

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For past articles go here:  A Norvell Note

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