Moving Stories

A Norvell Note

November 7, 2022 – Vol. 26 No. 35

Moving Stories

By moving stories I’m not referring to stories about dogs being rescued from deplorable and abusive situations, or dogs running for help because their master is trapped in a mineshaft under a fallen tree. I’m not going to tell a story about a football player that had never played a down all year but gets in the game and makes the play that allows his team to win the championship. I have nothing against dogs or those tear-jerking stories, but those are not the moving stories I have in mind. 

I’m talking about real moving stories, stories that happen while moving from one house to another. 

For instance, have you ever noticed that your possessions seem to multiply when you start packing for a move? No matter how much you think you have downsized and discarded, you pack and load, load, and pack, then you look in a closet and see boxes and bags and clothes you do not recognize.

And what about, when you finally get everything out of storage and into your house and you look in your garage and wonder where did all this stuff come from, and what you are we going to do with it?

And then, when the new refrigerator is finally delivered, and you start removing the plastic protective coating, Styrofoam, and tape and you notice that there are little circular stickers on every tray and glass shelf. You struggle to pull one off and read what it says, “Please remove.” It is written in four languages. 

Finally, you are in your new home. You have time to sit, relax, and reflect on this latest move, and all the other moves you made through the years. The memories start flooding in. You remember the dreams you had with each move, you remember the laughter and the tears, you remember the meals you shared with each other and with guests, the conversations you had. Then, you look around your new place, take a deep sigh, and pray: “Lord, thank You for the blessing of this house, and help us fill this home with love, gentleness, kindness, and lots and lots of grace for each other and all who enter our door.” 

A Norvell Note © Copyright 2022 Tom Norvell All Rights Reserved

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