James Robert Gilbert (Bob)

A Norvell Note

October 24, 2022 – Vol. 26 No. 34

Bob Gilbert (James Robert Gilbert)

Bob “the Rock” Gilbert was the devoted husband to my sister (My Big Sister) for more than fifty years. From my vantage point, he was a great father to their two children and a true servant of the Lord. He was a dedicated worker and well-respected in the community. Bob was a good, good man. I loved and respected him, and I will miss his booming voice, laugh, and presence.       

My first memory of Bob was when started dating my sister and began showing up at our house. He drove a truck for Richie Groceries. I remember thinking, he was so tall and had the biggest Adams Apple I have ever seen. Of course, at that age, I had not seen that many Adams Apples, but I was sure Bob’s was the biggest, and I wondered if mine would ever be that big. 

Later, and probably after they married, when we’d be visiting in their home or ours, he would occasionally pick up a volume from the set of encyclopedias and sit and read it. I remember thinking that he must be smart or bored. Maybe it was both, but I could not imagine why anyone would voluntarily read from an encyclopedia. Through the years I realized that he truly was an intelligent man. 

When I was old enough to ride my bike into town, I often stopped by their house to hang out for a while. I felt right at home. One day I parked my bike in the front yard and bounced up the steps on the porch and in the door. It just so happened that Bob sitting in the room cleaning a handgun. I froze, and in a booming voice that resembled James Earl Jones, I heard, “Boy! Don’t you ever do that again!” I always knocked after that.

With our parents gone, Genia and Bob’s home became the gathering place for a Christmas invasion for the families of the three brothers. People sleeping all over the house, making noise, and eating everything in sight, made the holidays anything but calm and quiet. I suspect there were times when he decided that going to work on cold icy mornings was a welcome respite. We all felt bad for him because of his hearing loss, but Bob may probably saw it as a blessing. 

The image that is indelibly planted in my heart came during a visit not long after Kim and I were married and early in my ministry. It was a quiet Saturday afternoon in their living room when a neighborhood child banged on their door in a panic. The children were playing in the front yard and one of them got hurt. The mother was at work and no adult was at home. Within seconds Genia and Bob down the street, took care of the injured child, bringing comfort and calm in a very tense and potentially dangerous situation. 

I sat in awe as I reflected on the words of a couple of mentors who were trying to guide me along the “right” approach to ministry that included believing and teaching that anyone outside of “our” fellowship had no chance of going to heaven. As I witnessed Genia and Bob being Jesus to those children, I thought, if they are not going to make it, what chance do I have? Gratefully my approach to ministry was different after that afternoon.

Thank you, Bob, for marrying my sister. 

A Norvell Note © Copyright 2022 Tom Norvell All Rights Reserved

To follow updates on Junie, go here: welovejunieblue

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You May Never Know

A Norvell Note

October 17, 2022 – Vol. 26 No. 33

You May Never Know

I am once again reminded of how important it is to understand that what we see on the surface may not be the complete picture of what is going on in a person’s life. You can assume that what you see is all there is. But you may never know.

A child’s grades drop, and her behavior takes a sudden and dramatic change. You wonder about the cause. You may never know what is going on in her home that might have caused the changes. 

One of your best employees starts showing up late, missing meetings, and becomes distant and apathetic. You may never know what he is facing when he goes home or what he tries but can’t leave behind when comes in from work. 

Your neighbors seemed like the perfect family, but something changed. They seldom spoke and stayed to themselves. You may never know the struggles they’ve been having or the tension that exists on the other side of their front door.  

Every week he comes in a little late and takes a seat on the back pew, then he leaves a little early. You wonder why he does that. You may never know.

We encounter people every day who may be suffering from an illness, going through a breakup or divorce, grieving the loss of a loved one, or living in a house filled with anger, violence, abuse, and sadness. Or maybe they go home to an empty house every night. And you may never know why they act the way they do in public. 

You may never know, that is unless you ask. 

If you ask, they may tell you to mind your own business. Or they may thank you for noticing and ask for your help. They may share the reason for sadness, being standoffish, or why their heart is breaking. They may. But you may never know unless you ask. 

Is there someone you are concerned about, but not sure what’s going on? They may act like they want to be left alone. Or they may be praying that God would send someone to help. You may never know unless you ask. So, maybe you should ask. 

A Norvell Note © Copyright 2022 Tom Norvell All Rights Reserved

To follow updates on Junie, go here: welovejunieblue

For past articles, go here:  A Norvell Note

Keep Silent

A Norvell Note

October 10, 2022 – Vol. 26 No. 32

Keep Silent

The Lord is in his holy temple;
    let all the earth be silent before him. 
Keep silence, keep silence, keep silence before him.

You may have sung those words as a reminder that it is time for a worship service to begin, so quit talking in the foyer and find a seat. There may be a deeper meaning.

If you read Habakkuk, you will find the verse at the end of chapter 2. The book of Habakkuk examines injustice from the experience of a righteous person crying out to God for a remedy. God responds to the prophet: Be patient, observant, and steady in your faith, for my judgment will happen at an appointed time. God’s response allows Habakkuk to rejoice in God’s saving power—even while struggling with a question that every generation asks: Why is evil allowed to thrive? The answer is profound yet dramatic: Trust God because He is both powerful and just. (Faithlife Study Bible)

Singing those words reminded me that we are asking the same question today, why is evil allowed to thrive? Among the responses God suggests to the prophet is to remember that God is in His holy temple and keep silent. There’s more to the warning than just being quiet. It means to be calm and remember the Lord is still in His place. You can trust Him.

Those words are a good reminder for us.

When we hear about the injustice and chaos in our world, remember that the Lord is in His holy temple. Keep silence.

When we are confused and afraid, remember the Lord is in His holy temple, and keep silent.

When we are overwhelmed by fear and anxiety, remember the Lord is in His holy temple, and keep silent.

When loss and disappointment sadden you, remember the Lord is in His holy temple; keep silent.

It was helpful instruction for the prophet and wise instruction for us. 

The Lord is in his holy temple;
    let all the earth be silent before him. 
Keep silence, keep silence, keep silence before him.

A Norvell Note © Copyright 2022 Tom Norvell All Rights Reserved

To follow updates on Junie, go here: welovejunieblue

For past articles, go here:  A Norvell Note

I Just Want to Go Home

A Norvell Note

October 3, 2022 – Vol. 26 No. 31

I Just Want to Go Home

I’ve said those words many times. As a child, every time I tried to stay away from home overnight, about the time it started getting dark and I missed my Mama I’d say, “I just want to go home.” Usually, I followed that up with “I have a stomachache.” I said those words when I went to Boy State as a teenager. And I said those words on mission trips to Ukraine during the first forty-eight hours of our trip, and after we had completed most of our mission. 

I’ve heard those words a few times our children were small and one of their overnight guests would get homesick. I’ve heard it when college students were not doing well in their classes, had their hearts broken, or received bad news from home. “I just want to go home.”

I’ve heard from an elderly man who had lived a good life, worked hard, and lost use of most of his physical abilities and bodily functions. With tears in his eyes, he said, “I’m so tired. I don’t want to live like this anymore. I just want to go home.” I’ve heard it from the widow who lost her husband and best friend and now must face life alone. I hear it said when a person has reached the end of life and been told there is nothing left that can be done. “I just want to go home.” And I hear it in the voices of the caregivers who are exhausted from too many hours and too much sickness and death.

I think I read those words in my four-year-old granddaughter’s eyes as she lay in her hospital bed attached to tubes and monitors. I know I saw it in the eyes of my daughter and son-in-law as they prepared for another night in a hospital room. 

I still say it some days when it starts getting dark, I’m tired, feel helpless, and miss my Mama. I just want to go home. 

A Norvell Note © Copyright 2022 Tom Norvell All Rights Reserved

To follow updates on Junie, go here: welovejunieblue

For past articles go here:  A Norvell Note

Living the Dream

A Norvell Note

September 26, 2022 – Vol. 26 No. 30

Living the Dream

As I entered the facility, I greeted the two ladies behind the desk and asked, “How are you ladies today?” With a less than enthusiastic response, one of them said, “Living the dream.” 

Later that day in a different facility I greeted another group of ladies who were taking a break with, “How are you all today?” One of them quickly answered back, “Just living the dream. Just living the dream.” The others in the group laughed. I told them about the other group, and they laughed again. 

I left wondering about their dream, is it a good dream, a nightmare, or maybe somewhere in between? Are they living their dream, or dreaming about a dream they wish they were living? As I reflected on their somewhat sarcastic response to my question, I appreciated the fact that they believe there is a dream to live. 

We all have a dream that we long to live. At least I hope we do. 

On any given night you can watch multiple talent competition shows where each contestant is hoping to live their dream of being a singer, a dancer, a chef, or a corporate executive power broker. Some dreams come true, and some do not. Every athlete lives the dream of becoming the best. Every team lives the dream of winning the championship. 

Sometimes we live to see our dreams to their happy ever after ending. Unfortunately, sometimes our dreams are cut short, and we are left with the agony of dreams that will never come true.  Then, we must search for another dream.

I’ve had some dreams that have come true, and I watched others fade and die. I’ve let go of some dreams and I’ve revived others. Some were big dreams, some were impossible dreams, and some I learned were not worth pursuing.

Here are a couple of dreams that I believe are still worth pursuing that I am trying to live. 

“…make it your ambition to lead a quiet life: You should mind your own business and work with your hands, just as we told you. (1 Thessalonians 4:11)

He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. (Micah 6:8)

When someone asks you how you are doing, I hope you say, “I’m living the dream” and mean it.  

Start living your dream and keep living it. 

A Norvell Note © Copyright 2022 Tom Norvell All Rights Reserved

To follow updates on Junie, go here: welovejunieblue

For past articles go here:  A Norvell Note

Some Things Do Not Fit Together

September 19, 2022 – Vol. 26 No. 29

Some Things Do Not Fit Together

Those who know me well know that I tend to like things to be done a certain way. If something does not work or serves no purpose, I am ready to get rid of it. If you move something, put it back where it was. Furniture sometimes needs to be rearranged just to see if it works better in the new location. Recently I’ve noticed a few things that just do not seem to fit together. 

It is sad to see couples eating out and both looking at their cell phones the whole time. 

It is even sadder to see dads having breakfast with their children but being more focused on checking their messages than what their children are saying. 

It is my opinion that men with big bellies should not wear tight jeans.

I do not understand why some people have garages full of stuff and their cars sitting in the driveway. 

It seems strange to see people walking their dogs and yelling at them the whole time. 

I have learned that wearing contact lenses and shedding tears do not work well. 

Maybe the most puzzling and disappointing is when I see followers of Jesus (including me) acting with pride and pursuing power. 

Proverbs 16:18, Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall.

Matthew 23:12, For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.

James 4:6, But he gives us more grace. That is why Scripture says: “God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble.”

James 4:10, Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up.

Some things just do not fit together. Most of the inconsistencies that I have mentioned are nothing more than my opinion or preferences. However, if we are trying to live like Jesus, pride, a haughty spirit, and the desire for control and power cannot co-exist. 

We can do better. Let’s do better.

A Norvell Note © Copyright 2022 Tom Norvell All Rights Reserved

To follow updates on Junie, go here: welovejunieblue

For past articles go here:  A Norvell Note

A Weekend of Remembering

A Norvell Note

September 12, 2022 – Vol. 26 No. 28

A Weekend of Remembering

Ours was a weekend of remembering. 

Queen Elizabeth

         Elizabeth became the Queen of England seventy years ago, one year before I was born. Not being a subject of the Queen I have never known the true significance of her role in the world, but I also do not have a memory of the world without the Queen.


         Like you, I remember exactly where I was when I learned of the planes crashing into the Twin Towers. I remember the shock. I remember the confusion. I remember the sadness. I remember the realization that the world will never be the same.   


       It has been a year since we said goodbye to Norah. Friday, September 10, 2021. Over the weekend we gathered in the garden created by her parents and friends in her honor to remember her. I remember almost detail of that day. She lived only seven years, but it is difficult to remember our world before her. A year later it is difficult to accept that she is gone or comprehend our world without her.  

The Lord

       Like many of you, I spent time on Sunday remembering the Lord and what He has done for me, and how much He loves me. I cannot and do not want to, imagine my life without the Lord. Without His presence and guidance, I would not have survived my years on the earth and would not know the life blessed by people and experiences that provide me with the opportunities of remembrance like this past weekend. 

I hope your life provides you with people, places, and events that are worth remembering and enjoying.

A Norvell Note © Copyright 2022 Tom Norvell All Rights Reserved

To follow updates on Junie, go here: welovejunieblue

For past articles go here:  A Norvell Note

A Norvell Note

September 5, 2022 – Vol. 26 No. 26

A Refreshing Pause

Some of you noticed I took a break from writing A Norvell Note for a couple of months, some of you didn’t. As I took time to rest from writing and spent time reflecting on life, God reminded me of a few realities that I sometimes ignore.

God reminded me that writing is something that is something I enjoy. 

This is not a discovery, taking a couple of months off reminded me that writing is a blessing, not a burden. I enjoy the challenge, and the reward, of taking thoughts in my head and putting them on paper or a computer screen. Sometimes they are shared, many times they are only for the Lord and me.

God reminded me that writing is something I need to do. If the words help someone else, that’s good. If no one else ever reads my words, that’s okay. I write because I need to write. Writing helps me understand life, gives me occasional insights into who God is, and how He is shaping me to be like His son, and it helps me understand me, the people around me, and the world. 

God reminded me that sometimes I need to take a break. Coca-Cola© once used the phrase “The Pause that Refreshes” to advertise their product. From time to time, we all need to pause, reflect, regroup, and get refreshed. When I experience the rejuvenation, restoration, and refreshment that comes because of time away from the routine makes me wonder why it’s so hard for us to surrender to taking a pause. 

After all, it was Jesus who said, Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” (Matthew 11:28-30)

When was the last time you took a refreshing pause from tasks that you love to do? Maybe you don’t need two months. Maybe you just need an afternoon, or a weekend away?  Maybe you would go crazy if you took a long break, but would the world fall apart if you took a lunch break? Are you weary? Have you lost passion for something you once loved? Maybe you need a refreshing pause.

To follow updates on Junie, go here: welovejunieblue

For past articles go here:  A Norvell Note

A Norvell Note © Copyright 2022 Tom Norvell All Rights Reserved

Lord, Help Me. I’m Tired

A Norvell Note for July 4, 2022

Vol. 26 No. 25

Lord, Help Me. I’m Tired

Lord, help me. I’m tired of trying to understand things beyond my ability to understand. So, allow me to accept that I will probably never understand them. 

Lord, help me. I’m tired of trying to fix things that I cannot fix. So, allow me to accept that I can’t fix some things; they will need to be fixed by someone else, or fine as they are. 

Lord, help me. I’m tired of trying to do things I cannot and do not need to do. So, please help me realize sooner rather than later that some things will need to be done by someone else, and that’s okay. 

Lord, help me. I’m tired of thinking that I must do everything perfectly. I should have realized this a long time ago, so help me. Even at this late stage in my life, I can do what I can do as well as I can, and that is good enough. 

Lord, help me. I’m tired of thinking that my sins are beyond Your ability to forgive. I know better, so help me accept Your love, mercy, and grace. 

Lord, help me. I’m tired. I remember that You said, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” So, Lord, I’m coming to you weary and burdened. Please give me rest. 

Follow Junie’s Story: welovejunieblue

A Norvell Note © Copyright 2022 Tom Norvell All Rights Reserved

You may read past articles at A Norvell Note.