Learn To Let Go

A Norvell Note for March 28, 2022  

Vol. 26 No. 13

Learn To Let Go

“THIS IS A TIME IN YOUR LIFE WHEN YOU MUST LEARN TO LET GO: of loved ones, of possessions, of control.” (Jesus Calling, March 24)

I agreed. I sighed. I groaned. I laughed. I thought: this is a time to learn to let go? I do not remember when I wasn’t learning to let go. To live is to learn to let go.

The moment we were born, we started learning to let go of the safety and security of our mother. So likewise, the moment our children are born, we begin letting them go.

As soon as we possess, or think we own, an item or a gift, we learn that eventually, we will need to let go of it. But unfortunately, the reality of life is that nothing lasts forever. Homes and automobiles can be burned or ripped apart by the wind. Our favorite jeans eventually wear out. Sadly our most comfortable shoes reach a point of no repair. Precious jewels lose their shine or may be lost or stolen. Relationships change and sometimes end. 

Jesus told a story of a wise man who built his house on the rock (Matthew 7) to remind us that everything changes. Likewise, in the Old Testament, the book of Job is the story of a man who lost everything only to learn that he had the one thing that mattered most and did not change: his relationship with God. 

Everything changes, and we are constantly learning to let go. Except for one thing. The March 24 entry from Jesus Calling also included these words: “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.” (Hebrews 13:8)

Jesus Christ does not change. God the Father is always the same. The Spirit of God is always with us. Our understanding varies. Our knowledge matures and evolves, but He never changes. 

Birthdays, anniversaries, the change of seasons, and the aging process remind us that this is a time when we must learn to let go. As challenging and often painful as the process is, we have the assurance that we are not alone.  

“For I am the Lord, your God,

         who takes hold of your right hand

         and says to you, Do not fear;

         I will help you.” (Isaiah 41:13)

A Norvell Note © Copyright 2022 Tom Norvell All Rights Reserved

You may read past articles at A Norvell Note.  

There Is No Law

A Norvell Note for March 21, 2022  

Vol. 26 No. 12

There Is No Law

Growing up with two brothers and a sister, we occasionally got on each other’s nerves when one of us would do something that annoyed the others. When a request (demand) to “Stop it!” A typical response would be. “Can’t make me! Ain’t no law against it!” The argument rarely ended there. 

Similar, but not so childish, arguments continue today.

“Can’t make me wear a mask! Ain’t no law against it” “Can’t stop me from wearing a mask. Ain’t no law against it!” 

“Can’t make me go to church. I can worship at home. Ain’t no law against it!”

“Can’t make me act nice. I can be unkind if I want to. Ain’t no law against it!”

“Can’t stop me from attacking Ukraine. I’m a dictator. Ain’t no law against it!” 

Arguments about what’s is against the law will continue, but I was thrilled when I learned there is a list of actions against which there is no law. 

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. (Galatians 5:22-23)

There is no law against love. You can love as much as you want and no stop you. 

There is no law against joy. You can be as joyful as you like. There is no law against it. 

You can be as peaceful and spread peace wherever you go. No one can stop you. 

There ain’t no law against patience. You can be as patient as you want. 

Go ahead, be kind. We need more kindness. Live it up. Go crazy with kindness. 

Be good. Demonstrate goodness. Spread goodness everywhere you go. 

Be faithful. There is no limit to your faithfulness to God and people

Gentleness has no restriction. Be gentle. Please be gentle. We need as much gentleness as we can get. 

Don’t let anyone tell you not to practice self-control. Self-control is up to you. Only you can control your self-control.

Feel free to practice any of these spiritual gifts as much as possible. However, if someone tells you to stop, tell them with gentleness and kindness, “You can’t make me. There ain’t no law against it.” 

A Norvell Note © Copyright 2022 Tom Norvell All Rights Reserved

You may read past articles at A Norvell Note.  

Six Months

A Norvell Note for March 14, 2022

Vol. 26 No. 11

Six Months

A year ago, we had no idea what was ahead. Now we struggle to accept what happened. It’s been six months. Has it been six months? Has it only been six months? 

We were at the beach a year ago, and everyone was healthy. Our concerns were the weather, our next meal, and watching the children play in the surf.

Two months later, our world changed forever, and as we changed our clocks this weekend, I wished the clocks would have stopped a year ago, and we could have stayed at the beach. But of course, I know we can’t. 

There are difficult days, and there are less difficult days. Some days almost seem normal. But then again, we are not sure what normal is. Yet, with God’s help and loving, caring people surrounding us, we go on. We wake up, collect our thoughts, and move through our days and nights as best we can. Then, we start over the next day. 

We are moving through the necessary grief work in our way and at our own pace. When we think we are at a good place, a song will play, a photograph will appear on a screen, or memory will flash across our minds. It’s been six months, but sometimes it feels like it is September 10 again. 

If you, or someone you know, has experienced a loss, you can be sure they have tough days, even if they tell you otherwise. If they want to talk, listen. If they don’t want to speak, accept that, give them space. Let them know you are available but respect their boundaries. Pray for them. 

It’s been six months since our family lost Norah. It’s hard to believe it’s been six months. It’s hard to believe it’s been only six months. We miss Norah every day, and with God’s help and the help of friends and family, we will keep going. Thank you for your prayers and gentle, loving support. 

A Norvell Note © Copyright 2022 Tom Norvell All Rights Reserved

You may read past articles at A Norvell Note.  

There Is No One Like Bill Alliston

A Norvell Note for March 7, 2022  

Vol. 26 No. 10

There Is No One Like Bill Alliston

“There is no one like Bill Alliston.” That’s how his daughter described him in the post she shared after his sudden passing. (@amac70) All who knew Bill would agree. 

I was a college student at Arkansas State University and involved in the Church of Christ Student Center (now #wolflifecampusministry). Bill and his family were also involved in the ministry. I don’t remember the exact time or circumstances that brought us together, but I soon became a part of the Alliston family. It was and is an abundant gift from God. 

Bill (and his family) made an indelible impression as a college student, as I became a part of a group from church that sang for weddings and funerals. I ate meals and spent countless nights in their home (including the night before our wedding). I drank coffee and ate Dixie’s Apple Pie with them. I was in their home when they brought Nathan home. We laughed a lot. 

Much of the laughter came because Bill was a great storyteller and could tell jokes as well anyone I’ve ever known. Some were not repeatable. He enjoyed life and wanted others to enjoy it too. I can still hear him laugh after he smacked my head with a brush as he cut my hair. He was a master of sarcasm.

Bill was kind and generous. He loved people and wanted people to love him. I was a recipient of his kindness, generosity, and love. He was intelligent, and it seemed that he liked for people to know it. He was complicated, and I think he enjoyed his complexity.

As often happens, we eventually moved in different directions and followed different paths. As a result, our times together became fewer, and our communications became less. But the love has remained. 

The last time I saw Bill, his daughter and son-in-law brought him to hear me preach one Sunday morning. I was honored. As I said goodbye to him that day, I thought I probably would never see him again due to his health issues, distance, and time. I did not. Like others who have passed from this life, he continues to live with gratitude and love in my heart. I am blessed. 

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love. (1 Corinthians 13:4-7, 13)

A Norvell Note © Copyright 2022 Tom Norvell All Rights Reserved

You may read past articles at A Norvell Note.  

A Light in the Darkness

A Norvell Note for February 28, 2022

Vol. 26 No. 09 – Vol. 26 No. 09


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A Light in the Darkness

In 1992 several Christians from Virginia and across the United States made a trip to Ukraine. That first trip was to Kyiv. I made four more trips into Ukraine over the next six years. We flew into Kyiv and traveled west to Zhytomyr, and I made one memorable excursion to a small village north of Zhytomyr. The work in Zhytomyr grew and expanded to Rivne, with teams making regular visits until very recently. 

The heartbreaking scenes of the invasion bring back many memories. Although it was almost twenty-five years ago, and some of the details escaped me, one memory still shines brightly in my mind. 

A significant part of every trip involved us going into schools to teach the Bible. We were in Zhytomyr, and it was a frigid, snowy day, and we were late getting to the school. To our surprise, even though we were very late, the teachers and children waited for us and rejoiced when we arrived.

We gathered in the gymnasium, and the electricity had gone out, so one of the teachers stood on a chair holding a single candle to light the room as the children sang. The children sang, and the candle continued to burn. As the candle grew shorter and shorter, the teacher kept adjusting how she held it. Eventually, she had nothing to hold, so using the melting wax, she stuck the candle on the tip of her finger to bring light into the darkness. 

Our purpose for Ukraine was to bring light into their dark world. As it turned out, the innocent faces, sweet voices, and determined spirits of the Ukrainian people brought light into our hearts. 

As the citizens of Ukraine fight for freedom, they continue to bring light into this dark world. Please light a candle pray that the darkness of oppression will not overcome the light, and be a light in the darkness.

The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. (John 1:15)

A Norvell Note © Copyright 2022 Tom Norvell All Rights Reserved

You may read past articles at A Norvell Note.  

Are Things Better?

A Norvell Note for February 21, 2022

Vol. 26 No. 08

Are Things Better?

I seem to have more questions than answers. Questions that may or may not have answers. For instance, are things better?

It feels like things are better. It feels like life is getting back to what we once knew as routine. But are things better? 

More people are traveling, but air travel and gas prices are higher than most have ever known. More people are shopping and eating out, yet almost every business you enter is short-handed posts a sign saying, “We’re hiring.”

Churches are open and functioning, but attendance is lower than in years, and people seem to be fine without it. 

Our world is anxious due to the threat of war. There is a new story of hatred, anger, and violence every week. Fires, floods, snowstorms, and tornados are more prevalent than we have ever known. 

Are things better?

I reflect on these words from the Old Testament prophet Jeremiah:

They dress the wound of my people
    as though it were not serious.
‘Peace, peace,’ they say,
    when there is no peace. (Jeremiah 6:13)

Are things better, or are we just so tired of the way things are that we have adopted the philosophy of, “Fake it till you make it?’? 

Last week a very dear friend reminded me of the words on a bracelet I gave him and the one I’ve worn on my right hand for years: “No complaints! No fear! Finish strong!” His message took me back to the reason I had for creating the bracelets in the first place. 

I do not want to live in fear. I do not wish to live in fear of what is happening around me or what might happen in the future to control how I live. I desire to live with confidence and courage, not fear. 

I try not to complain, but sometimes I do. Things pile up, I get stressed, I’m in a hurry, and something blows my plan. The reminder on my wrist challenges me to do better. 

I am trying to finish strong. There are days and nights when I feel finished, but not very strong. There are days when I wonder if I have anything left to offer, and I rely on the truth in these words: “To them God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.” (Colossians 1:27).

Are things better? I don’t know. Are they going to get better? I don’t know. But, I know this, if I can live without fear, restrain from complaining, and focus on finishing strong today, things will be better for me, and maybe that will make things better for a few of those who live within my circle of influence.

A Norvell Note © Copyright 2022 Tom Norvell All Rights Reserved

You may read past articles at A Norvell Note.  

A Good Friend

A Norvell Note for February 14, 2022

Vol. 26 No. 07

A Good Friend

Good friends are hard to come by, take time and effort to develop, and are painful to lose. Unfortunately, I lost a good friend last week. 

I met Carlis and Charlotte Tucker while preaching for the Cameron Avenue Church of Christ in Colonial Heights, Virginia. In August 1993, a major tornado came through the area, causing significant damage to Colonial Heights and Petersburg. Shortly after the storm, Carlis and Charlotte started attending our church were (to use Charlotte’s words), “You baptized Carlis and recaptured me.” That began a beautiful friendship that would last for eternity.

Carlis and Charlotte became hospitality personified by opening their home to our family and the church family for the next seven years. They hosted men’s breakfasts, ladies’ events, birthday parties, Easter Egg Hunts, and more homecooked meals than I can remember. Their “veranda” became a refuge filled with love, laughter, tears, encouraging conversation, and always a good cup of coffee.

Sometime after we moved from Virginia, Carlis and Charlotte sold their country home, bought an RV, and traveled all over the United States, making friends and spreading love and kind-heartedness wherever they went. We were grateful when their explorations brought them near us to share a meal and renew our friendship. Our last visit with Carlis was in a Cracker Barrel (of course) in Lubbock over the Christmas holidays. 

Even as a retiree and an immaculate landscaper, Carlis was a hard worker. He was a quiet man but did not hesitate to offer his opinion. At times, I sensed a sadness in Carlis that seemed to come from a feeling of regret that I never completely understood. However, his desire to help others, genuine love, and laughter revealed his true nature. He had a great laugh!

Carlis was never one to seek the limelight, but he was there if there was a fellowship meal to be prepared at church. But, of course, he did it his way, and he did it well. He was willing to help when someone was in need. And he always had a word of encouragement when he sensed someone needed it. 

Carlis loved God our church family, and he loved and encouraged our family. He was a good man and a good friend. I miss him. 

I loved Carlis Tucker. And I love Charlotte. 

A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for a time of adversity. (Proverbs 17:17)

If you would like to read a few of the particulars of Carlis’ life and share a message with Charlotte, go to the link below. 

Carlis A. Tucker

A Norvell Note © Copyright 2022 Tom Norvell All Rights Reserved

You may read past articles at A Norvell Note.  

Unplanned Slowdown

A Norvell Note 
for February 07, 2022

Vol. 26 No. 06

Unplanned Slowdown

Like many people in our area, I spent part of last Thursday sitting in my chair looking out the window at the ice collecting on the grass and trees and listening to the falling sleet. Unfortunately, the icy roads and frigid made travel dangerous, so most altered their work schedules, schools and businesses were closed, and we experienced an unplanned slowdown. 

An unplanned slowdown may be an ice storm, a snowstorm, or a flood. The unplanned slowdown may occur when a family member becomes ill dies. An unplanned slowdown occurs when you get the flu, the power goes out, or the Internet is down. 

An unplanned slowdown can be annoying, frustrating, inconvenient, and distressing. Or, it can be relaxing, inspirational, and refreshing. Like most of life, it depends on our attitude. 

We do not know when another unplanned slowdown will come because they are, well, unplanned. But as sure as we live, there will be another. So the only healthy way I know to survive an unplanned slowdown is by coming to terms and reminding myself that I cannot control what happens, but I can control how I respond to what happens. 

If I get stuck in traffic or forced to wait for another reason, I can spit and spew and cuss and cry. Or, I take a deep breath, listen to my favorite music, call a good friend, or remind myself that: 

God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.
Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging. Be still, and know that I am God;” (Psalm 46:1,2, 10)

I am not expecting the Lord to wake me in the morning by saying, “Tom, I’m tired. I need you to take over for the day.” So, when another unplanned slowdown comes, I think I will try to be still, enjoy the break, and know God is in control. 

A Norvell Note © Copyright 2022 Tom Norvell All Rights Reserved

You may read past articles at A Norvell Note.  

You Did It!

A Norvell Note for January 31, 2022

Vol. 26 No. 05

You Did it!

“I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day—and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing.” (2 Timothy 4:7-8)

Kim and I found a spot near the finish line as our daughter, and her best friend ran a Half-Marathon through the streets of Austin. We monitored their pace and location on the app provided by race promoters.

As runners approached the finish line, the announcer called their names and congratulated them. As the runners came to the finish line, some would give one last push as they crossed the line. Others would struggle to take one more step to make it to the finish line. 

As the runners glanced up, they saw the words “Finish Line,” their facial expressions changed dramatically from struggle and pain to relief and joy. “I did it!”  

When we found Laura and Mel, they had these big smiles on their faces and said, “WE DID IT!” Of course, we were very proud and excited for them, but the fact that they weren’t even breathing hard made me feel old. 

They talked about how there were times along to course when they struggled, and there were times they felt the “runner’s high” and could have run all day. But then, it got hard again. Eventually, they reached the point where they realized the end was in sight, friends and families cheered for them, and they could see the finish line. 

That’s when the words above came to mind, “I have fought the fight. I finished the race!” 

As I reflect on these two young ladies reaching their goals, these thoughts come to mind. 

When people we love move toward the end of their lives, I hope we can be with them as they get a glimpse of the finish line and celebrate for them and with them. If you are with them as that time approaches, you may see a change in their facial expression as they realize they will make it. Celebrate with them and say, “You did it!”

Our workdays sometimes feel like a test of our endurance. Another phone call, one more email, one more unnecessary question might send you over the edge. But, then, you see that the clock is moving, and the day is almost over, and you say, “I did it!” 

Life itself gets us down and wears us out, and we wonder what else can go wrong. There are times when you want to quit. But you don’t because you know people are cheering for you at the finish line. So keep your eyes on the finish line, and shout, “I did it!”

A Norvell Note © Copyright 2022 Tom Norvell All Rights Reserved

You may read past articles at A Norvell Note.  

Plans. What Plans?

A Norvell Note for January 24, 2022

Vol. 26 No. 04

Plans. What Plans?

You’ve probably heard the saying, “Want to make God laugh? Tell Him your plans.” If that’s true, God must get a real kick out of me. 

I planned to play basketball for the Boston Celtics when I was growing up. No doubt God chuckled. Little did I know how big, fast, strong, and talented you must be to play in college, not to mention the National Basketball Association. 

When I started college, I planned to be a pharmacist. Why? Because I had a couple from the church I attended in high school, he was a pharmacist, lived in a lovely home, and seemed to have a good life. God giggled. Little did I know being a pharmacist involved studying chemistry, zoology, and so much other stuff that I could not handle. 

I laugh also. 

I could fill several pages of single-spaced, 12-point font plans that certainly made God laugh, and me to be grateful that those plans never came to pass. However, the list has grown considerably over the last two years. So, I’ve changed how I plan. 

For the most part, I now make plans one day at a time. Sometimes a half-day at a time. Sometimes an hour at a time. I’m getting better at tolerating interruptions. I’m learning to look for blessings when the plan changes. I remember that God’s ways are higher than mine, and His thoughts are not my thoughts. And I’m trying to be at peace with that and live in the moment.

“As the heavens are higher than the earth, 

so are my ways higher than your ways 

and my thoughts than your thoughts.

As the rain and the snow 

come down from heaven, 

and do not return to it

without watering the earth 

and making it bud and flourish, 

so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater,

so is my word that goes out from my mouth: 

It will not return to me empty, 

but will accomplish what I desire 

and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.”    (Isaiah 55:9 – 11)

A Norvell Note © Copyright 2022 Tom Norvell All Rights Reserved 

You may read past articles at A Norvell Note.