Vol. 20 No. 11 | March 12, 2018
- You are probably the only human being on earth who really cares what your hair looks like.
- Be kind to yourself. You are not nearly as bad as you think you are.
- Be honest with yourself. Are you acting like the person you want to?
- Dress comfortably.
- It is alright to take a nap if you need to…just not while driving!
- When you mess up, and you will, chances are it’s not the end of anyone’s world.
- When you do something well, it’s okay if you’re the only one who notices.
- Watch less television, read more (preferably something that helps you be more like Jesus.)
- Write, even if it’s just a little.
- Listen more than you talk.
- Making the world a better place begins with you being the best you can be.
- Show more grace to people than you think they might deserve. (God shows you more than you sometimes deserve.)
- Be gracious, humble and kind.
- Be content with what you have.
- Wherever you are, be present.
- Take advantage of every opportunity to say, “I love you” (and say it like you mean it, not just a quick, “Love ya.”)
- When you hear a nice piece of music, turn it up and really listen.
- Slow down. That red light will still be red by the time you get there.
- Close your eyes. Relax. Take some deep breaths. Mediate.
- You don’t like it when people ride your bumper, so don’t ride theirs.
- Find at least one thing or one person to be grateful for.
- Accept every offer you are given to hold a baby.
- When you finish a project, stop. Take a deep breath, give yourself credit, and be grateful.
- Spend a little time every day in quiet reflection.
- Remember someone, somewhere would like to hear from you. So, let them- a text, email, phone call…actual handwritten note. You will make their day.
- If the weather is nice, sit outside- to eat, to read…to take a nap.
- Say “please” and “thank you.”
- Be kind and gentle.
- Be safe, but don’t be controlled by fear.
- Before saying something to someone or posting anything on social media, ask yourself, “Will these words build people up and encourage them?” If not, don’t.
- Physically touch someone (if it’s okay with them, of course!)
- If you can, use fewer words.
- When it is time to shut up, shut up.
Those last two remind me…I’ve probably said enough.
Thank you for reading.
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