Things I Need to Tell Myself Regularly

Vol. 20 No. 11 | March 12, 2018

  1. You are probably the only human being on earth who really cares what your hair looks like.
  2. Be kind to yourself. You are not nearly as bad as you think you are.
  3. Be honest with yourself. Are you acting like the person you want to?
  4. Dress comfortably.
  5. It is alright to take a nap if you need to…just not while driving!
  6. When you mess up, and you will, chances are it’s not the end of anyone’s world.
  7. When you do something well, it’s okay if you’re the only one who notices.
  8. Watch less television, read more (preferably something that helps you be more like Jesus.)
  9. Write, even if it’s just a little.
  10. Listen more than you talk.
  11. Making the world a better place begins with you being the best you can be.
  12. Show more grace to people than you think they might deserve. (God shows you more than you sometimes deserve.)
  13. Be gracious, humble and kind.
  14. Be content with what you have.
  15. Wherever you are, be present.
  16. Take advantage of every opportunity to say, “I love you” (and say it like you mean it, not just a quick, “Love ya.”)
  17. When you hear a nice piece of music, turn it up and really listen.
  18. Slow down. That red light will still be red by the time you get there.
  19. Close your eyes. Relax. Take some deep breaths. Mediate.
  20. You don’t like it when people ride your bumper, so don’t ride theirs.
  21. Find at least one thing or one person to be grateful for.
  22. Accept every offer you are given to hold a baby.
  23. When you finish a project, stop. Take a deep breath, give yourself credit, and be grateful.
  24. Spend a little time every day in quiet reflection.
  25. Remember someone, somewhere would like to hear from you. So, let them- a text, email, phone call…actual handwritten note. You will make their day.
  26. If the weather is nice, sit outside- to eat, to read…to take a nap.
  27. Say “please” and “thank you.”
  28. Be kind and gentle.
  29. Be safe, but don’t be controlled by fear.
  30. Before saying something to someone or posting anything on social media, ask yourself, “Will these words build people up and encourage them?” If not, don’t.
  31. Physically touch someone (if it’s okay with them, of course!)
  32. If you can, use fewer words.
  33. When it is time to shut up, shut up.

Those last two remind me…I’ve probably said enough.

Thank you for reading.

A Norvell Note © Copyright 2018 Tom Norvell All Rights Reserved

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