I’m Thankful

Vol. 21 No. 47 | November 25, 2019 

Here is my list of things for which I’m thankful.

I’m thankful for my family, memories we have made together, and the memories that are yet to be made.

I’m thankful for my friends…especially the old friends…and especially for the new friends.

I’m thankful that a beautiful sunset still takes my breath away.

I’m thankful (when I get up early enough) to see the sunrise.

I’m thankful that I still get excited over the possibility of a snowfall.

I’m thankful that I see a tree of many bright colors I still pause to capture the image in my mind and sometimes with my camera.

I’m thankful that when I hear a child laugh or cry it still touches me deep in my soul.

I’m thankful that I can share thoughts and feelings with people all over the world within a matter of seconds.

I’m thankful that I deliberate over my thoughts and feelings for more than a few seconds before I share them with people all over the world.

I’m thankful that when I share my thoughts and feelings with people all over the world some people read them, some people appreciate them, and some people act on them.

I’m thankful that I’ve lived long enough to learn that not everyone wants or needs to know my thoughts, feelings and opinions.

I’m thankful when I see a character in a movie who reminds me of a person who has had a major impact on my life I am still moved to tears because I miss them so much.

I’m thankful for the material possessions I am blessed to own, and for the increasing desire to own less.

I’m thankful for music and the power it has to energize me, to calm me, and to soften my heart.

I’m thankful for bright blue skies and warm (not too warm) sunny days, and I’m thankful for cold rainy days.

I’m thankful for the creative people and their ability to tell a good story and tell it really well.

I’m thankful that I’ve taken the time to remind myself of these things for which I’m thankful, that I have the opportunity and ability to share them with you, and you have taken the time to read them.

Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful. (Colossians 3:15, NIV)


A Norvell Note © Copyright 2019 Tom Norvell All Rights Reserved 

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