The Unexpected

 A Norvell Note 

Vol. 21 No. 48 | December 2, 2019

As I pulled our Christmas decorations from the attic this week, I thought about how predictable this activity has become the day after Thanksgiving. At the same time, I thought of how unpredictable some events have been over the past few days. 

Sometimes the unexpected comes as a welcome, pleasant surprise. And sometimes, unexpected events are neither pleasant nor welcomed. 

My thoughts brought me to this somewhat predictable observation: the unexpected happens at unexpected times and in unexpected ways. 

This observation led to another: how we handle unexpected events shapes who we are. 

Your company’s decision to eliminate your position was totally unexpected and couldn’t have come at a worse time.  

The last thing you expected was the routine doctor’s visit to be followed by a life-threatening prognosis. 

The family never expected their estranged son to finally come home for Thanksgiving. 

The anonymous check in the mail came as a complete and utter surprise. 

The baby they were told would never be born showed that miracles are possible.

Some of us will handle unexpected events in stride with grace and confidence. Some of us will crumble under the sudden shift in our plans. Regardless, no matter how hard we try to predict the unexpected, it will always come. And how we choose to handle it is very important. 

Here are a few suggestions that have helped me manage my response to unexpected things that happen.

Give yourself time to take it all in. Don’t panic. Ask the Lord to help you understand what is happening, what He wants you to see, and what He wants you to learn from the experience.

Wait before you jump to conclusions about the outcome. What appears to be horrible news may actually be a blessing. And, at times, what we think is the answer to our prayers could prove to be a huge disappointment or heartbreak. Just know that God has a bigger plan and ask Him to give you wisdom and clarity. 

Stay in the moment. Don’t rush ahead into the unknown. Don’t revert to the safety of the past. Just have faith and remember that God is always with you. 

I did not expect some of the things that happened to and around me this past week. And I’m sure there will be things that happen next week that will require me to shift my thinking and actions. 

But one thing I do know. God will be with me no matter what happens. And that I can predict with absolute certainty. 


A Norvell Note © Copyright 2019 Tom Norvell All Rights Reserved 

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