Good Friends Who Love Deeply

A Norvell Note for February 15, 2021

Vol. 23 No. 07

Good Friends Who Love Deeply

In a section of Scripture where the writer (Paul) offers instruction for believers and among non-believers, he writes:

Be good friends who love deeply; practice playing second fiddle. (Romans 12:10 MSG)

I have a few people who fit that description. They have been and are good friends and have loved me deeply. They have loved me through good times, they have loved me through challenging times, and they have loved me through all the mediocre times in between. They have loved me when I have been easy to love and loved me even more profoundly when I have been far from lovable.

They have loved me when I have been sitting on top of the world, in the depths of despair, and I cannot imagine my life today if those friends had not decided to love me deeply. Thank you, good friends, for loving me deeply.

I also have people who have been willing to remain in the shadows while I have been in the spotlight. While I have been the preacher enjoying a level of celebrity status, they have stood beside me and behind me, encouraging me, believing in me, and at times protecting me from unseen dangers. These dear people have been willing to stay close and cheer me on as I have tried to use my communication skills to share Jesus. Thank you for always being near me.

I am thankful for the good friends who love me deeply and inspire me to be more like the Jesus I see in them and practice playing second fiddle.

A Norvell Note © Copyright 2021 Tom Norvell All Rights Reserved

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