Lessons in Humility and Gratitude

A Norvell Note for February 22, 2021

Vol. 23 No. 08 

Lessons in Humility and Gratitude

The truck passed me on the freeway, and ice started flying off his roof and hitting my windshield. I wanted to yell ugly things. Then, I wondered how many times I have unknowingly done the same thing.

As I watched the news reports, I wanted to call him arrogant, selfish, and a horrible public servant example. Then, I remembered times when I’ve been egotistical, selfish, and an awful example of a servant.

I grew restless and frustrated with being confined to home because of the snow and ice-covered roads. Then, I remembered the message repeated so often throughout my life be still, relax, and be where you are.

I was frustrated as the electricity kept going off, and when the restrictions on water usage and said to boil the water before drinking. Then, I talked to folks whose power had been off for days, had no idea when or if the power was coming back on, and had no water at all.

I began to feel gamey and grimy and complained about not having had a shower in five days. Then, I heard a nurse say she was wearing clothes from the facility lost and found and that he had not left the hospital in seven days.

I was almost boastful that have received both vaccine shots very early in the process. Then, I heard someone say they could not even get an appointment for the first dose.

I was thankful that we had candles and cell phones to light the darkness and gas logs in our fireplace to keep us warm. Then, I heard stories of freezing people, and others who were burning furniture to stay warm, and others who had water damage because of bursting water pipes.

Sometimes I whine and complain (my “No Complaints. No Fear. Finish Strong” bracelet broke last week) and think my life is more challenging than I deserve. Then we have a pandemic, a winter storm, a tornado, a hurricane, and images and stories of others who are dealing with much more than I am, and the Lord reminds me how richly blessed I am.  

Father, thank You for blessing me with life, home, food, water, bed, warmth, family, friends, a spiritual community that knows no boundary, and so many other physical, material, and spiritual blessings. And, Father, please accept my prayer of repentance for the times when I gripe and complain and fail to acknowledge how much You love and bless me.  So, chosen by God for this new life of love, dress in the wardrobe God picked out for you: compassion, kindness, humility, quiet strength, discipline. Be even-tempered, content with second place, quick to forgive an offense. Forgive as quickly and completely as the Master forgave you. And regardless of what else you put on, wear love. It’s your basic, all-purpose garment. Never be without it. (Colossians 3:12-14 The Message) 

A Norvell Note © Copyright 2021 Tom Norvell All Rights Reserved

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